Did you rest? Did you eat lots of great food? Did you find time to shop Black Friday specials? Whatever you did with your Thanksgiving holiday, I hope that you had a little time to recharge your batteries. Three more fun and exciting weeks of learning before a much bigger break for all the hard work you invest in our kids!
Visits to Harrison
Please see the email and attachment sent out for the schedule. We have subs for you, no need to put one in AESOP. Enjoy your time at Harrison. I'm looking forward to hear what you noticed and hearing your questions about the Leader in Me and the reading program.
Rolling out Habit #3 This Week
Stay tuned for more teaching ideas here! There's not better time of the year to stop and take a minute to consider the "big rocks" in your personal and professional like. I can't wait to hear how you rolled out "Putting First Things First" with your kids.
What's Your Yet?
I've been thinking a lot about my yets, Jefferson's yets, and the yets of our kids. I love how beautifully Habits#1 and #2 help all of us learn how to focus on who we are becoming, no matter what age we are. As a challenge, and I know if might be a challenge for some, I would like you to think about your professional and personal yets. Tweet one to me @wonder2wisdom with the hashtag #growthmindset. I will respond with some fun and support! In the meantime, check out this video by Carol Dweck. It had me thinking about not "wasting life."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-swZaKN2Ic&feature=youtu.beA Step Closer to Being a Leader in Me School!
This was a letter to Dr. Love, who submitted this grant on our behalf. Thank you Brendalynn!
Congratulations! It is a pleasure to inform you that your organization has been chosen to receive a grant of $1,000.00 from the Statewide Education Philanthropic Gift Fund, and the grant has been approved by the Idaho Community Foundation’s Board of Directors. The grant is to be used to purchase the supplies needed to help implement a student centered leadership program within an elementary school, as outlined in your 2015 Southwestern Region Competitive grant proposal.
Mentor Texts for Habits #1 and #2
Mr. Schu has some great book selections! In this post he gives three examples of books that show persistence toward dreams and goals. He even links the youtube book trailers! I will give one copy of each book away to the teachers (1 per teacher) who read the post, sends me the title they want, and give me a one to two sentence description of how they will use it with their class! Merry Christmas early!
Teaching the Narrative Standards After Christmas?
Plot. That can be a tough concept to teach young kids. This blog post does a nice jog of developing an activity around Henry and the Freedom Box that could be used as an "I do, We do" activity. Not all books and plots are "neat", but this would be an easier entry into the concept. If you don't have the book, let me know. I have a couple of copies to loan.
Classroom Technology Grant Opportunity - HURRY! Deadline at the End of the Week!
The Idaho Education Technology Association (IETA) believes that education technology provides great opportunities to our students and educators around the state. IETA grants give Idaho technology leaders the opportunity to fund innovative ideas and initiatives within their school and district. IETA grants are open to any member of IETA who is in good standing with the organization. Grants applications are available in a variety of categories and are evaluated using our grant rubric.Visit our website to access the grant application and scoring rubrics. http://www.idahoedtech.org/announcements.html
Deadline: Friday, December 4, 2015 at 5:00 P.M. Mountain
Grant Awards Announced: Monday, December 14, 2015
Grant Expenditure Deadline: Thursday, June 30, 2016
Documentation Submission Deadline: Thursday, June 30, 2016
The Idaho Education Technology Association (IETA) believes that education technology provides great opportunities to our students and educators around the state. IETA grants give Idaho technology leaders the opportunity to fund innovative ideas and initiatives within their school and district. IETA grants are open to any member of IETA who is in good standing with the organization. Grants applications are available in a variety of categories and are evaluated using our grant rubric.Visit our website to access the grant application and scoring rubrics. http://www.idahoedtech.org/announcements.html
Deadline: Friday, December 4, 2015 at 5:00 P.M. Mountain
Grant Awards Announced: Monday, December 14, 2015
Grant Expenditure Deadline: Thursday, June 30, 2016
Documentation Submission Deadline: Thursday, June 30, 2016
Upcoming Events
Nov. 30th, Dec. 6th, Dec. 13th - Building Culture Team @3:30
Dec. 2nd, 9th, 16th - MTSS Meeting @ 3:30
Dec. 1st, Dec. 8th - BLT @3:30
Dec. 3rd - Staff Meeting & Skype with Orchard Elementary (BLT and Culture Team)
Dec. 4th - All Staff Collaboration
Dec. 4th - All Staff Collaboration
To Do
- Plan a Dual Immersion Field Trip with your "Crew" - Send 2 possible dates to Angie
- Please let Angie know if there is an issue for your scheduled time to go to Harrison