Thursday, November 12, 2015

Friday Focus - Week of Nov. 16th - Nov. 20th

You may have noticed that this quote is on many of the papers I've handed out over the first couple of months of school.  This quote and the theme "The Power of Yet," had me thinking all summer.  I was reflecting about my own goals and the hopes and dreams for Jefferson, as a school, and for every little person who learns here each day.  I might also ask all of you...
Do you have a current goal? Professionally? Personally?  What are your aspirations?  Please be thinking about these and how I can support you, how we can support each other, and how we can support our students.

Habit #2 - Begin With the End in Mind - Ideas for Your Classroom
Thank you Kayleigh for these fun ideas.  It's not to late to join the class after school on Monday!

Habit #3 - Put First Things First
Thanks Sarah!  I think this is the correct link to your video.
**Remember to go the home page at and finding "Content Filter" on the right-hand side of the page before trying to log on to a video.  And like Kayleigh said, fast forward through the ads.   :D

Building Safety and Fire Inspections - Monday
Speaking of putting first things first, thank you for your help ensuring that our building is as orderly as possible.  If you have misplaced the checklist of things to consider, please check in with Anne.  She has extras.

BoxTop Awards
Sandra and Walt Cooley will likey be at Jefferson on Monday to hand out BoxTop awards for the first trimester.  They'll swing by your room.  I'll let you know as I have details, but thanks ahead of time for your flexibility when they stop by.

Family Reading Night - Curl Up With a Classic
Thanks to all of your efforts (especially Emily Merritt) for organizing this event.  It looks to be a great time! Please talk this up with your students.  Free hot dogs for dinner are an added bonus.  See you Tuesday night.

Vision Screening Thursday
The Lion's Club with be here all day.  Because of the number of kids that we have, they traditionally screen 1st and 3rd graders.  If you have a student in Kinder or 2nd that you have a strong concern about, please visit with your MTSS/RtI Team Member.  They can visit with Anne to try to find a spot for your student to be screened.

New Staff Shirts
Come swing by the office and see the new staff shirts.  They were ordered in XL so you can make a determination about what size you might want.  Each option comes in S-XL, 1X-4X.  We weren't able to fund the whole shirt this year, but we are offsetting the cost of the embroidery.  We will place the order on Wednesday, Nov. 25th.  You are welcome to post-date a check for the November payday if you would like.  Place orders with Anne.
***Guys, please see Anne about options for you.

Barnes and Noble Fundraiser
Mark your calendars!  Saturday, December 12th is our Barnes and Noble Fundraiser.  We will send teams of 2-3 to be at Barnes and Noble to wrap gifts for donations.  It is actually a lot of fun, and we make a portion of every sale that customers indicate is for us.  Plus, we also make tips!  Last year we split the proceeds with folks who could volunteer that day.  You of course get paid in books for your classrooms.  Please consider if this might fit your schedule.  We'll have sign ups soon.

Students with Behavior Issues?
Check out this great website for ideas to try with students who are exhibiting specific behaviors.  It's really excellent and easy to use!

Gary Hogg - Writing is Exciting! - Monday, November 23rd
Still waiting to hear back from Gary.  Planning on two smaller assemblies and four workshops.  Hope to have more details soon.

Kinda Cool to See Our Name on the Map!
Thanks Emily Merritt for your work to make this happen.

Upcoming Events

Nov. 16th - Leader in Me Book Study @3:30 in the library
Nov. 17th - Family Literacy Night and Cookie Dough Pick Up
Nov. 18th - Picture Retakes
Nov. 18th - MTSS Meeting @ 3:30
Nov. 19th - Vision Screening
Nov. 19th - Student Loan Forgiveness Meeting - JMS @3:45
Nov. 19th - Seizure Training - JMS @ 4:30-5:00
Nov. 20th - Jefferson Spirit Day/Tiger Award Luncheon
Nov. 20th - Fat Friday
Nov. 23rd & 24th - Writing Extravaganza
Nov. 23rd - Gary Hogg Assemblies and Workshops
Nov. 23rd - Building Culture Team @3:30
Nov. 24th - Building Leadership Team @3:30
Nov. 25th - Dual Immersion Meeting with Dale 8:00-8:30
Nov. 25th - 1/2 Work Day 8:00-11:45

To Do

  • Plan a Dual Immersion Field Trip with your "Crew" - Send 2 possible dates to Angie
  • Make sure to let Angie know if you want and LIA student ASAP
  • Please let Angie know if there is an issue for your scheduled time to go to Harrison

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