Welcome Back! I hope your break was wonderful and that you are feeling refreshed and ready to take on the spring! We have a lot of wonderful learning opportunities coming up in the next 8 weeks for our kids. Here are a few of the pieces you will need to know about for the upcoming weeks. Make sure to check out the calendar at the end of this blog entry.
Student Expectation Review
Please take a few minutes and review the school-wide expectations this week with your students. They will likely be coming in very energetic and possibly forgetful after the break. It's important that we reset our expectations and give them a chance to practice once again. Thank you ahead of time for lovingly helping them set good habits!
Dual Immersion Parent Meetings
The Dual Language Immersion Program is moving ahead. Parents have been notified if their child has a spot or is on the waiting list and we will have two parent meetings this week: Tuesday - Spanish Speaking Families, Library, 6PM. Thursday - English Speaking Families, Library, 6PM. You are welcome to attend.
ISAT - April 4th - 29th
The 3rd Graders will be taking the ISAT beginning on April 4th. I had hoped that a new cart of laptops would be here in time to test them in the classrooms, but we will be using the computer lab again for this testing. Misty and I will be proctoring this year. On the upside, we do anticipate that the new mobile lab will be here this week and it will be available to you during your computer lab times for projects with your students. Please let me or your BLT Grade Level Leader know if you have further questions.
Book Fair and Conferences April 12th and 14th
Last set of conference coming up! This is also the 'Buy One, Get One' book fair. The PTO has requested that the teachers do book wish lists for parents to see. Watch for these lists coming soon to your mailboxes and thank you Emily for helping with this!
2nd Grade Field Trips to the Discovery Center
For those of you who might now be aware, the school received a special grant this year for the Discovery Center to visit our 2nd Graders (earlier this winter) and for them to visit the Discovery Center. They will be splitting their team to attend on two different days (29th and 6th.) We have worked out a schedule for our paras to attend. Duties will still be covered. This caught up with us really quickly! I will be checking in with teams Monday to see who will keep interventions going and who plans to skip a day.
ACCESS Testing is done!
Thanks to Shawn, Maria, Maria, Vanessa and Brendalynn for their persistence in seeing our kiddos through this testing for the first time! Thanks to all of you for the way that you rearranged your interventions to allow for these ladies to test. Regular intervention groups should be starting Monday (today).
Jefferson Family STEM Night - April 19th
This evening is coming very quickly! Jorma will be organizing this event for us. If you planned to help with this event for your grade level team (those who opted out of Family Literacy Night), please touch base with Jorma ASAP. We will be getting the word out to families soon.
PTO Carnival Support
The PTO has graciously set aside $5000 for us to put toward school beautification. We will be looking for opportunities to share ideas and consider how to spend this money in the upcoming weeks.
Leader in Me
Is there anyone who still has not had a chance to visit Harrison Elementary to see TLIM in action? Please let me know ASAP. We are hoping to hear on the grant very soon.
Some GREAT Ideas for Counteracting Poverty
I was please to see a number of things we already do at Jefferson. What other great ideas does this article spark with you?
How does poverty affect classroom engagement? Check this quick article out for some great reminders.
Send me a quick 2-3 sentence reflection on either of these articles for a fun appreciation!
To Do List:
- Evaluation Evidence to Angie by April 15th (See email for more info.)
- Details about upcoming field trips to Anne, Lunch Room Staff and Bus Barn
- Visit with Jorma if you are a STEM Night Rep for your grade level
- Watch for the Book Fair Wish List and return to Emily
Up Coming Events:
Building Meetings
Building Culture Team - March 28th, April 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
Building Leadership Team - March 29th, April 12th, 26th
MTSS - March 30th, April 6th, April 13th, April 20th, April 27th
Staff Meeting - April 7th, April 21st
All School Collaboration - April 29th
School Events
Ready Kindergarten (Hosting) - March 30th, April 27th
Book Fair - April 11th - 14th
Parent Teacher Conferences - April 12th & 14th
No School - April 15th
Jefferson Family Stem Night - April 19th
Kindergarten Registration - April 26th (8:30-7:00), April 27th (8:30-3:30)
Spirit Day and Tiger Awards - April 29th