Sunday, March 13, 2016

Week of March 14th - 18th

This is one of my favorite quotes!  It's so true.  Have you noticed the crocus coming up on your commute to work?!  There is such joy in watching our 2nd graders stop and take a minute to check out their trout and give me updates about their growth cycle as I walk by.  How fun to consider the little 2nd grade girl who is constantly smiling and growing in her language by leaps and bounds as Shawn and I reminisce about how I had to peel her off of her daddy at the beginning of her first grade year.  This is the time of the year that we are reminded that there is hope in what we plant.   Here's an oldie, but goody that a friend recently posted.  My grandmother had it hanging on her refrigerator.  I hope you will take a minute to reflect on all that you are planting, physically and metaphorically, this spring!  

A Garden of Daily Living

 Plant Three Rows Of Peas
1. PEACE Of Mind
2. PEACE Of Heart
3. PEACE Of Soul

Plant Four Rows Of Squash;
1. Squash gossip
2. Squash indifference
3. Squash grumbling
4. Squash selfishness

Plant Four Rows Of Lettuce;
1. Lettuce be faithful
2. Lettuce be kind
3. Lettuce be patient
4. Lettuce really love one another

Now No Garden Should Be Without Turnips;
- So Plant 3 Rows Of Turnips;
1. Turnip for meetings
2. Turnip for service
3. Turnip to help one another

Finally, Your Garden Must Have Thyme;

1. Thyme for each other
2. Thyme for family
3. Thyme for friends
4. Thyme for your self

Water Freely With Patience & Cultivate With LOVE.
There should be much fruit in your garden.

A Great Post From the Leader in Me This Week
If you'd like to know my heart and why I am in education, then read
this post

Update on Instructional Rounds
The Building Leadership Team had a great time exploring and looking for patterns in our classrooms last Friday.  We saw some great stuff!  Watch for a summary from the team early next week.  BLT will also be developing a plan so that the rest of the staff can go on instructional rounds as well.  Stay tuned!

Practice for Emergencies
We will have two practices this week. First, there will be a fire drill and you may be required to use your secondary exit.  Please make sure to freshen up on this route.  Also, the bus evacuation practice should take 15-20 min. on Friday.  We will have you go out the bus lanes. Bus drivers will have each class load onto a bus to practice with them.

Tiger Award Luncheon/Fat Friday/Blue Jeans and Spirit Shirts Friday!
Please make sure to get your Tiger Awards in to Anne by Thursday.

I hope your Spring Break is refreshing and rejuvenating!


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