This year, the kindergarten teachers will be joining us (2 a day), to meet and assess their incoming students. Anne will also be out next week with her family, and Emily will be with me helping process registrations. Emily Merritt has graciously volunteered volun-told to help us. She will have a sub in the library. Shawn will also be helping in the office at the beginning and end of the day, but Maria and Maria will be helping us translate at the District Office. Please help all of us as much as possible by handling as many recess issues as possible and calling parents when needed. It takes a community and this will be especially true this Tuesday and Wednesday.
I've heard back from over half of you and have scheduled your evaluations, but I haven't heard back from everyone yet. Please remember that I need to meet with you next week. I wanted to have all of the evaluations done by Wednesday, but since I will be out Tuesday and Wednesday, I have extended that to Thursday. Please let me know when you are available as soon as possible.
Photo Shoot
St. Luke's will be featuring our grant and future walking path in their Annual Report. They will be here Thursday taking pictures in the morning. We have asked a dozen kids and families for permission to include their children. Please just be aware of this happening. The great thing for us is that we will have access to the photographs afterward too!
All Staff Collaboration
Next Friday is an all school collaboration. I want your team to plan on sharing what you are planning for the Lucy Calkins writing units. It is OK if you have questions and struggles as a team. I won't have all the answers, but I want to get all of your ideas, questions and concerns on paper as we try to plan for training, collaboration and implementation next year. This is a messy, but worthwhile process. Hang in there with me.
School Beautification Teams
The next staff meeting is May 12th. Please plan to share out your ideas from your teams at this meeting. Please remember to come with a couple of possibilities to share so you can get feedback from the staff.
It is more important than ever that we have you read and respond to email and accept calendar appointments. It is a very busy month coming up and will won't be able to meet in person on everything that is needed. Thank you for using email so that we can be as efficient as possible. Also, you will begin to see Anne sending out appointments for next year's events. Please 'accept' those so that they are added to your work calendar as well.
Have a great weekend!