Sunday, April 10, 2016

Week of April 11th - April 15th

We have a short, but full week this coming week.  Here are a few details.

Parent Teacher Conferences
Please remember a few items:

  • Dinners will include soup and break bowl (Tuesday) and Tiger Stop Burritos (Thursday).  Thank you to Anne for helping organize and to the PTO for always generously taking care of us.
  • If you need me, I'm glad to attend a conference with you.  Please let me know in advance.  I will be leaving a little early on Thursday for a Friday morning Dual Language Immersion meeting in SLC on Friday morning.
  • Please make sure to let me know if you are planning to talk with a parent about possible retention.
  • Please don't forget your summer school permission slips to give to parents.  Make sure to fill out one per student who qualified, even if you not plan to recommend them.  We need to keep track of this for state verification.
  • Plan to enjoy your Friday off!!
Toilet Paper Unrolled
We have had an issue in the 1st Grade Girls Bathroom recently.  Someone is unwinding the whole roll while using the restroom.  Please help us keep tabs on who may be coming and going and ask your kids to report if they see this as soon as possible so that we can narrow down the time frame.

IRI and District Screeners
The IRI will be the week of April 18th.  We will start with 3rd grade and will do our best to give you advanced notice of testing for your class.  Paras will be testing so they will not be available for intervention, but will be the following week.  The MCOMP should be the following week.  Star testing can wait until the week we finish with ISAT.

Unsolicited Kind Observations and Appreciations from a Colleague to Our SPED Staff
As a special shout out to our resource staff; we would like to thank Nicole for her amazing work with Dakota. Thanks to Nicole’s amazing patience and love, Dakota is now going to her specials all by herself! We all understand how rewarding it is for a student to suddenly be able to do things on his or her own and that it is also a bittersweet feeling as we don’t always feel as needed. Yay, Nicole!

Jenna for her work with McKoy. Jenna has unending patience for this young man and speaks to him with the kindest and calmest voice. She never has a cross word or expression and shows him only her gentle nature. Wahoo, Jenna!

Melody for her work with Benjamin. After Melody’s time and patience with Benjamin he is now able to go down to the library and choose his own library book. Way to go, Mel!

Chelsey and Val for being the most amazing and loving teachers to our students and also for handling difficult situations in meetings with parents and with other staff with nothing but grace and style. We love you ladies and will miss you terribly.

You five ladies do amazing things for and with our most tender of students we are forever grateful for your loving hearts. 

To Do List:
  • Get your Book Fair Wish List to Emily

Up Coming Events:

Building Meetings
Building Culture Team - 18th, 25th
Building Leadership Team - 26th
MTSS -  April 13th, April 20th, April 27th
Staff Meeting - April 21st
All School Collaboration - April 29th

School Events
Ready Kindergarten (Hosting) -  April 27th
Book Fair - April 11th - 14th
Parent Teacher Conferences - April 12th & 14th
No School - April 15th
Jefferson Family Stem Night - April 19th
Kindergarten Registration - April 26th (8:30-7:00), April 27th (8:30-3:30)
Spirit Day and Tiger Awards - April 29th

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