Sunday, May 1, 2016

Week of May 2nd - 6th

It's easy to make a buck.  It's a lot tougher to make a difference.  ~Tom Brokaw

As we head into Teacher Appreciation Week, please know that what you do matters to the kids at Jefferson!  You plant seeds in kids lives and then each day you warm them with your greetings and water them with your hard work.  We may not see the fruit for a long time, but don't doubt that your efforts are making a difference.  Thanks for all you do!

This also happens to be Children's Book Week, so a little later this week, I hope you will enjoy a small token that blends the two celebrations.

Also, there's nothing like the giving, so I would encourage you to reach out to a teacher who invested in you too!  A quick note or a post on Facebook can make all the difference!

Have a great week!  Thank you for what you've chosen to do each day!

A Small Token
As a small token of appreciation, Friday will be a Blue Jean Friday! Enjoy!

Note of Appreciations from a Staff Member to Another
Thank you Valerie and Chelsey for letting us borrow Nicole for the day to help with [Student}.  She has such a caring, thoughtful manner with Jefferson Students and clear boundaries with the students she interacts with. [Students} and all the students enjoyed hanging with her today.   Nicole's  help today was so appreciated!!! 

Final Progress Monitors
Please make sure that you get final MCOMPS into the spreadsheet as well as Mileposts.  The MCOMPS should be posted by this week, but there is a bit longer to ensure they are in Mileposts.  Also, Misty will be finishing up ISATs and make ups this coming week, but there should be some spaces available at the end of the week.  Please touch base with her to see if your spot will be open.  She can help you with Star and Star Early Lit. testing.

Ordering and Student Supply Lists
Please remember that your grade level ordering needs to be in to Anne by Friday.  Also, please have your team look over the grade level student supply lists.  Because of new legislation and a court ruling, please keep the following in mind as you revise the lists:
  • Items should not be for general collection and use  (i.e. pencils can be on a supply list, but should be used by that individual, not  a supply for the class)
  • Don’t require specific brands.  A brand may be recommended with an explanation of why, but not required (ie, Band-Aide, Kleenex, Ticonagroga)
  • Review lists to make sure items are necessary and not just there because they have been in the past
  • Keep the cost reasonable
Calendar Expectations
In the next few weeks, Anne and I will be setting up calendar dates for the 2016-2017 school year.  Please ensure that you 'accept' each of these so that show on your own calendar.  Our hope is that by planning ahead you will also be able to make some of your own personal arrangements and plans for next fall and winter.

Please Review Bathroom Expectations
Lately there have been a number of issues in the bathrooms with toilet paper on the floors, writing on mirrors with soap and urine on the floor.  :S  Please take a few minutes this week and review bathroom expectations with students.  We will try really hard to narrow down who might creating this mess, but hopefully a reteaching time will help.

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