Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Week of October 31st - November 4th

Happy Halloween!

I know a Halloween on a Monday can truly be scary, but I hope you are also able to step back and watch the fun and joy of the kids.  You help to make this a memorable holiday!

Here are a few details for the week ahead.

Pumpkin Contest
Please let kids know they can bring pumpkins for the contest on Monday morning.  They will be judged Monday around noon and prizes will be announced at the end of the day.

Halloween at Jefferson
Monday is a GREAT day to refresh kids on assembly behavior expectations.  Please see if you can find a time for this in your lesson plans.  Also, kindergarten staff reminded me that we can't forget a quick parade for the AM kinders.  I have added that to these details.

  • DARE Concert at 9AM in the gym.  
  • AM Kinder Parade at 10:45.  All other classes in the hall to watch as they go by.
  • Costumes after 1:00 at teacher discretion.  
  • Halloween Parade for all kids at 2:30.
Please make sure to check in with specialists about your  plans so they can also plan.

Conference Numbers
Please make sure to turn your conference numbers and sign in sheets to Anne.  Dale will be asking on Thursday or Friday.  :-)  Please also note arrangements you've made for rescheduled conferences and let us know when those are completed with a quick update.

Imagine Learning
We have exciting news!  Starting next week, Elara will be in the computer lab at 7:45 so that kids can do Imagine Learning in the morning if they choose!  We hope that this will help us reach the minimum times and take full advantage of the program.  Kids who come to do IL, will be given a ticket to enter their name in a drawing.  Once a month or so, we will do a raffle.  This is to give them an incentive to miss recess.  If a child wants to do IL, they will need to come to the office to get a grab and go breakfast.  They will be able to eat their items, but we will require they keep the milk unopened until they head to class.  Please allow them to drink this important source of protein.  Thank you to Elara for her willingness to come in a bit earlier to help us with this!

We have refilled the equipment cages for the kids.  When you are on duty, please help us do a quick scan of the playground to ensure that equipment is making it back to these cages.  We have hired Cadance in Mrs. Hall's class and Giovanny in Mrs. Billiard's class to be Equipment Managers.  They will help us keep an eye on missing and flat equipment.  Also, 3rd Grade, please help me keep the cage outside during the day and back in at the end of the day.  It will be an issue for the Building Inspector is the cage is in the breeze-way during the day.

Playground Duty Maps
BLT asked me to put together a map showing the location and coverage for different recess duties.  Copies will be in your box Thursday.  Please have a look at how this impacts your duties.  The star indicated your spot-ish and the color indicated where I'd like you to be able to see things happening.
Thanks for helping with this.

Bus Duty
Please help me make sure you are walking your kids to the buses and that you are leaving your room at the 2nd bell..  This is my expectation of each staff member.  This ensures that we have enough coverage and it helps alleviate a lot of last minute questions.

Journeys Questions
Yesterday I sent a brief email indicating I wanted to know your questions about Journeys at this point in the process.  We are planning with trainers for a couple of weeks out.  Please see the link and add your questions if you would like them considered.

Progress Monitors Due This Week
Please remember that your all class progress monitors are due Friday, Nov. 4th.  Thank you for loading these in the spreadsheet.  Elara will be making sure we have the Star Testing done in the computer lab.

Collaboration on Friday
2nd and 3rd Grade will meet in the library with Lori to work on Instructional Routines.  K and 1st will be working in teams.  Please make sure to send me your collaboration notes.  This make s big difference in knowing what you are working on.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Week of October 24th - October 28th

Happy 60th Birthday
Thank you for your extra work a couple of weeks ago to help make the birthday and walking path celebration a hit!  We had over 500 guests on that evening.  Our PTO knocked it out of the park with decorations, as well as physical and mental challenges.  Even if your language of appreciation isn't Act of Service, I hope you see how much this staff and students of this school are cared for in the hard work of these parents.  Enjoy a few pictures!

Tiger Trekker's Update
Sometimes things do not go as planned.  We have purchased the scanner software and got all the lanyards in an effort to make our Tiger Trekker program easy on staff.  But, we are finding that the cameras on the iPads have a difficult time reading the scan codes when it is cloudy.  Go figure!  We are working with the company to get this problem resolved.   Thank you for your help in the meantime.  We are also trying to get enough sticks so that you can count at a time that is good for you.  Also, at Monday's brief staff meeting, I will show you how to log into the software, which is really easy to use.  Again, thanks!  Our best intentions haven't worked...yet!  But, have you seen the kids?  They are going for it on the track!  Thank you for supporting them as they see one more way they can "Begin with the end in mind."

Staff Meeting Monday
This meeting will be quick.  I will share the software for the Tiger Trekker laps and Kim Likely, our new Federal Programs Director, will be sharing information about homeless students.  

Parent Teacher Conferences
Just a few quick things to help out our new folks.  

  1. We will be providing dinner both nights.  Anne has planned for burritos from Tiger Stop on Tuesday and pizza and salad on Wednesday night.  Thanks go to our PTO who always provide the funds for us to be able to do this.  
  2. Please also remember that these are contract nights from 4:00 to 8:00.  But, we get Friday off.  As soon as we have wrapped up the day on Thursday, you be headed for a long weekend. 
  3. It is important that we try to make an effort to reach every family.  If conference times are missed, please make every effort to reschedule or at least to conference by phone.
  4. Please keep a sign in sheet and turn this into the office.  We will be reporting our attendance to the District Office.
  5. Please highlight a list of conferences you are concerned my require a translator and turn that into the office.  Shawn, Maria, Connie, and the LIA kids will be available to help.
  6. There are a few things we need parents to sign.  You might consider having a clipboard so they can do this before or after their conference if you won't have enough time.  These things are state or federal requirements, or we wouldn't be asking you so gather them for us.  These are all in your box or will be delivered to your room.

  • Comprehensive Literacy Plans

  • Residency Form

  • Text Message Form

  • Current Contact and Emergency Numbers

  • More than Anything, Remember to share Hope and the Power of Yet with families!  We believe in the possibilities for kids, which is why we do what we do!  Remember to be Eye Smilers, even when you have a tough message to deliver.  :-)  I share it every year, but here's one of my favorite quotes to read before conferences.  Enjoy!

    “I was glad my father was an eye-smiler. It meant he never gave me a fake smile because it's impossible to make your eyes twinkle if you aren't feeling twinkly yourself. A mouth-smile is different. You can fake a mouth-smile any time you want, simply by moving your lips. I've also learned that a real mouth-smile always has an eye-smile to go with it. So watch out, I say, when someone smiles at you but his eyes stay the same. It's sure to be a phony.” Roald Dahl, from Danny, Champion of the World
    Begin with the End in Mind Photobooth
    During conference we will have a fun 'photo booth' in the hallway.  Elise Gilbert is helping us put this up.  It will say "When I grow up I want to be..." and kids will be able to write their answers on a whiteboard for parents to take photos.  If an paras or specialists would be willing to help man this area for an hour or two, and capture a few pictures, please let me know ASAP.

    Star Early Literacy, Star Reading and Star Math Questions
    In the next couple of weeks, representatives from Jefferson and Horizon will be working with a training from Renaissance Learning.  Janet is working to tailor the time to our questions and needs.  If you have a burning questions about any of the programs above, please click the link below and add your question.  We will try to get this information to Janet by Friday.  Thanks for giving your input!  Add your questions here.

    Halloween Details
    Here are a few details that were worked out with BLT this last week.

    1. No interventions on Halloween
    2. DARE Concert at 9AM for all students
    3. Parties beginning after lunch recess
    4. Costumes may only be worn for the parties and parade after lunch recess
    5. Scary costumes and masks are not allowed
    6. Halloween Parade beginning at 2:30. Kindergarten will begin.  Student should be in the hallways to watch.
    7. Be aware that most parents who attend the parade will likely take their students after.  You may want kids to be somewhat ready to go before they participate in the parade.
    Jefferson Pumpkin Contest
    We are getting details out late, but if a student brings a decorated pumpkin to school, please have them bring them to the tables that will be under the bulletin boards in the hall.  We will have them judged and sent home on Halloween.

    Imagine Learning in the Morning
    We are working on an option that would allow students to get a grab and go breakfast and head to the computer lab before school to spend time on Imagine Learning.  We are working out the kinks, but this might be another way to help get our minutes in with students.  We will also add a raffle incentive for kids who choose to come in during that time.  Elara is aware that you are having trouble finding time for the kids to get on the program.  If you would also like for them to use computer lab time, please let her know.  This won't be enough, but it will help.  Thanks for all you are doing to find the right time in your schedules.

    PTO Fundraising Focus
    Our PTO, with input from staff, will be working to add technology to our classrooms.  They are hoping to help us add document cameras!  How cool would that be.  We are applying for a matching grant for the carnival to see if we can come up with enough funds to make this goal happen.

    Idaho Primary Math Assessment
    Before I left I got some very good news from Dr. Jonathan Brendafur at BSU.  We were accepted to be part of the schools to have access to the Primary Math Assessment in the state.  This also means that we will access to professional development support this winter and spring.  BUT DON'T WORRY!  This will not require anything from classroom teachers.  This K-2 assessment is giving fall, winter and spring like the IRI.  We will not be able to meet the fall deadline for the whole school, so we will be doing a test run with a handful of classes to see what the results will look like.  By winter we will be assessing every class.  The cool thing about this assessment, for those of you who are using the Kathy Richardson materials, there appear to be some very strong ties to this assessment and her resources!  They are also developing resources at BSU to support interventions.  This could potentially be a very good and important piece for our kids as we move forward in math.  More info. to come in the next few weeks.  Thanks to Nicole and Liz for taking this bull by the horns and organizing!

    Professional Learning Team Resources
    A Great Article for those you working on the Lucy Calkin's writing units.  How to Read a Unit of Study.

    If your professional goal is about academic conversations, you might check out these articles:
    The Art of Speaking and Listening
    Oracy: Literacy of the Spoken Work

    Just for a little fun...remember that it could be a little worse! :-)

    LOL! Please notice that I am pointing to my husband who is the photographer.  :-)  This was taken at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia last week.  Philadelphia an amazing place for a girl from the west! To stand where the Founding Father's stood as they debated and signed the Declaration!

    And, to hear the stories and remember the great political turmoil of the time.  To consider the great personal investments, ideas, disagreements, debates and compromises that went into the making of our system of government.  There was a lot of struggle and strife and hope.  It was such a good reminder for me, and a reminder of why I do what I do each day.  I am grateful to work alongside each of you. What we do matters and plays an critical role in the development of our future leaders.

    Have a great weekend!

    Friday, October 7, 2016

    Week of October 10th - 14th

    Time to Celebrate!

    It's going to be a busy week at Jefferson, but it is also a time to celebrate!  I'll try to keep these notes brief.  Please make sure to check your calenders and emails often this week.  Have a great long weekend sharpening the saw!

    Happy 60th Birthday Celebration
    Monday is our Walking Path and Born Learning Trail Celebrations.  The assembly will start at 2:00.  We will have a quick presentation about the new walking program and then the Mayor will lead us in our first lap or two around the path.  We have a snack for all of the kids from the Idaho Dairy Council.  At 5:30 we hope you will join us as families hear about the path.  Will start in the gym and then move out to some fun planned activities on the path.  Thanks to the PTO and many of you who have volunteered to help!  There will be be give-aways from St. Luke's, ice cream, and lots of fun.

    Staff Shirts
    I will have your staff shirts here Monday.  If you would like, you can wear them for the assembly, but it will have to be with black pants.  :D Sorry.  Lots of folks in the building.  Blue Jean Friday is coming up.

    Staff Meeting Monday
    It is a busy day, but we will have a staff meeting.  Lori Piccolo from Imagine Learning will be here to answer questions.

    Individual Picture Day and IDs
    Individual Pictures will be on Tuesday.  Please be flexible as they get everyone in.  This is also your chance to get an updated ID.   Early is better for getting your picture taken.

    Data Teams
    Thank you Nicole and Liz for getting the Data Team Schedule and Para/Sub List put together for this Wednesday.  I will be gone, but Nicole, Liz, Shawn and Lori will facilitate.  The big goal is to ensure groups are correct, define the intervention and goal that has been the focus since 9/12, and look at the new data.   If you haven't seen a copy of the schedule yet, let us know.

    Jobs - Interviews
    Interviews for students jobs will be continuing this week.  By the end of the week kids will know if they have been hired.  The goal is to start jobs by Monday, Oct. 17th.

    Jefferson Tiger Awards
    The Jefferson Tiger Awards are due to the office.  We will schedule the luncheon for this week, but we working around schedules.  Stay tuned.

    Cookie Dough
    Please encourage your kids to be selling cookie dough.  One more week.  This fundraiser provides all the extras!

    Fire Prevention Friday
    Anne has been helping folks make adjustments to their schedules.  Please let her know if you see a conflict.

    Collaboration - Habit 2 - Begin with End in Mind
    Don't forget that Friday collaboration will be with your grade level team trainers.  This seems like a good habit to focus on as we work on our own professional goals (which are due Friday.) :D

    There is information on two upcoming contests on the bulletin board by the staff bathroom.  One is for the Idaho Commission for Libraries (writing) and the other is for Idaho Power (art).  Both are optional, but if you are interested, check out the flyers.