Friday, October 7, 2016

Week of October 10th - 14th

Time to Celebrate!

It's going to be a busy week at Jefferson, but it is also a time to celebrate!  I'll try to keep these notes brief.  Please make sure to check your calenders and emails often this week.  Have a great long weekend sharpening the saw!

Happy 60th Birthday Celebration
Monday is our Walking Path and Born Learning Trail Celebrations.  The assembly will start at 2:00.  We will have a quick presentation about the new walking program and then the Mayor will lead us in our first lap or two around the path.  We have a snack for all of the kids from the Idaho Dairy Council.  At 5:30 we hope you will join us as families hear about the path.  Will start in the gym and then move out to some fun planned activities on the path.  Thanks to the PTO and many of you who have volunteered to help!  There will be be give-aways from St. Luke's, ice cream, and lots of fun.

Staff Shirts
I will have your staff shirts here Monday.  If you would like, you can wear them for the assembly, but it will have to be with black pants.  :D Sorry.  Lots of folks in the building.  Blue Jean Friday is coming up.

Staff Meeting Monday
It is a busy day, but we will have a staff meeting.  Lori Piccolo from Imagine Learning will be here to answer questions.

Individual Picture Day and IDs
Individual Pictures will be on Tuesday.  Please be flexible as they get everyone in.  This is also your chance to get an updated ID.   Early is better for getting your picture taken.

Data Teams
Thank you Nicole and Liz for getting the Data Team Schedule and Para/Sub List put together for this Wednesday.  I will be gone, but Nicole, Liz, Shawn and Lori will facilitate.  The big goal is to ensure groups are correct, define the intervention and goal that has been the focus since 9/12, and look at the new data.   If you haven't seen a copy of the schedule yet, let us know.

Jobs - Interviews
Interviews for students jobs will be continuing this week.  By the end of the week kids will know if they have been hired.  The goal is to start jobs by Monday, Oct. 17th.

Jefferson Tiger Awards
The Jefferson Tiger Awards are due to the office.  We will schedule the luncheon for this week, but we working around schedules.  Stay tuned.

Cookie Dough
Please encourage your kids to be selling cookie dough.  One more week.  This fundraiser provides all the extras!

Fire Prevention Friday
Anne has been helping folks make adjustments to their schedules.  Please let her know if you see a conflict.

Collaboration - Habit 2 - Begin with End in Mind
Don't forget that Friday collaboration will be with your grade level team trainers.  This seems like a good habit to focus on as we work on our own professional goals (which are due Friday.) :D

There is information on two upcoming contests on the bulletin board by the staff bathroom.  One is for the Idaho Commission for Libraries (writing) and the other is for Idaho Power (art).  Both are optional, but if you are interested, check out the flyers.

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