Friday, February 17, 2017

Week of February 21st - 24th

At IABE, Dr. Kate Kinsella kept referring to her students as "scholars." It has had me reflecting on the idea of naming. Then last night Bill and I went to see Bria Skonberg at Arts on Tour. She is an up and coming young jazz singer and trumpeter (And oh how she can play!). She had worked with a number of young musicians yesterday at one of the high schools. One happened to be in the audience. She told the entire crowd that he was the future of jazz clarinetists and someone to watch. WOW! What power in her words for that young man. Again, this moment has had me reflecting on the power of our words to speak into kids lives. It's made me reflect, especially on our most difficult students.

  • How do I see these students? Do I hope for their futures? Can I see them doing something amazing in the future?
  • Do I project with my words everything they can become?
  • Do I name out loud for them all of the good things they are?
  • When they are in the office, especially for discipline, do I use growth mindset language? Do we name them for their behavior or do we take the moment and teach for something better?
Just a few things that I'm been thinking about. Thank you for all you do to invest in our scholars!
Have a great 3 day weekend!

Speaking of IABE
Thank you to Tammy for representing Jefferson SO WELL at IABE.  She shared a lot of great strategies for supporting ELs, especially what we can do with Comprehensible Input.  We will have to find a time to have her share her presentation with staff.

FFA Week - A Day at Jefferson
Next week is FFA Week and our JHS FFA will be here Thursday (This is a recent change.) We have a sign-up sheet in the office. They will take four classes at a time. You will be in the cafeteria. Kids will be learning about the dairy industry and will get to make ice cream! We will still have interventions that day, so please find a time to sign up that will avoid interference.

New Friday Schedule - The "extra" hour
Working with BLT, I think we have come up with a pretty decent plan for our extra hour on Fridays. This will start this coming Friday, Feb. 24th. First, we will be having the Title 1 Team supporting our 1st Grade students (and a few kinder) with interventions in math and reading. This is a high needs groups and we feel this is a good investment of time for the whole school. Shawn and the Maria's will also be joining with supports as they wrap up ACCESS testing. Miss Jen will also be joining this Team of folks. We will be using the Title 1 room and library for this 45 min. block after our 2:00-2:15 recess. Becky will be using this time for 3rd Grade Choir practice. Elara will be using this time for ISAT prep and then testing blocks. Chris will be supporting us during this time with an extra PE for a class chosen for their respectful and responsible behavior in the lunchroom that week. Please let me, or your BLT member know if you have questions. Thanks for your support as we try to be most strategic with this extra instructional time.

Emergency Folders
For those of you who let us know that you needed an Emergency Sub Folder, we know have those in the office on the shelf by my door. Please help yourself. Here's the list that the team put together of items to include. Please share any others we might have missed in the Google+ comments. Toni will be around in the next couple of weeks to note where we can find your folder in case of emergency.

Jefferson Elementary Emergency Substitute Plan Checklist
  1. Information about where to find the Red Emergency Bag and Evacuation Map
  2. Class list with pictures from Power School printed (Update occasionally with new students)
  3. Include information on students with:
    1. Allergies
    2. Care Plans/Medications
    3. IEPS
    4. Behavior Plans
    5. Any other special needs
  4. Phone extensions for staff they may need to reach along with their name, title, and room number
  5. Information about adults who will be coming to your room or students who will be leaving your room and the schedule for that to happen
  6. The name and room number of a grade level teammate that can help answer questions about schedule or assignments.
  7. Weekly classroom schedule
  8. Expectations and routines
  9. Recess Duties: Time and Location
  10. Classroom Behavior and Reward Plans
  11. Lesson Plans – In many cases you will have this pre-planned, but please consider having group of activities that could be used in case of an emergency.
Staff Meeting with Dale and Alma(?) Thursday after School
Dale and Kim are needing a bit of our time as a staff. In trying to cooridnate all of the schedules, this coming Thursday was the best for an after school meeting. This will be a quick discussion of the upcoming supplemental levy and the basics on Migrant student services.

Theme Song
Shawn is no "Goody Two Shoes," bu she loves Adam Ant! Who likes Christina Perry?
Theme song: A Thousand Years
A. Lisa Henderson
B. Barb Brown
C. Brittany Maikranz
D. Nicole Ferreia

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