Saturday, April 15, 2017

Week of April 17th - April 21st

Wishing you and your family a Happy Easter!

Coming up this week

  • Monday - PTO Meeting After School
  • Tuesday - Wednesday - Kindergarten Registration at the District Office Gym
  • Wednesday - 1st Grade Field Trip
  • Friday - 2nd Grade Field Trip
  • Friday - Monthly Progress Monitors Due

End of the Year Details - In case you are planning
We got finally got word about how the snow days might affect our end of the year events and hours.  Kindergarten Graduation will remain on Tuesday, the 23rd.  The last day of school will be an early release like a Friday.  We will serve lunch.

How Does Idaho Measure Up in Supporting ELs
NPR has created a site called 5 Million Voices.  It has a variety of news and information on supporting EL students.  I thought this article with infographics comparing states was pretty interesting.

Short Clips about Growth Mindset
Thanks for sharing Ashlee!  This is a fun list of resources.
Image result for Book It
Would You Like to Use Book It! in Your Classrooms Next Year?
I can order this incentive for us as a school.  Please let your BLT member know if you are interested.

Lost and Hopefully Found
The lost and found is over flowing! Please take a few minutes to visit the lost and found with your kids after a recess.

Fresh Starts for Kids
There are plenty of kids who could use a fresh start from us each day. This article had some good points that had me reflecting. Maybe it'll fill your take for the end of the year.

Federal Programs Conference Thoughts and Ideas
I asked the folks who attended the Federal Programs Conference to share some of their insights, resources or questions to share with you.  Here are a few.  More to come next week.

One good take away was to have a visual for the data team/intervention process.  We saw a flow chart that I thought was very useful especially at the beginning of the year.  It would help teams if this chart included lists of interventions that we have access to and showed which areas of deficit they targeted. It also might be helpful to have the flow chart tailored to each grade level. 

Another great take away is to give teachers a behavior plan form that they could complete for students that needed help above the regular classroom plan.  This standardization of using the same form for students would allow for better collaboration and discussion about a student's needs.  It would be completed by the classroom teacher and modified as needed to support the student. 

Last but not least, we should participate in Dr. Steiner's book reviews.

1.The Grump Meter:  I really like how this tool allows students to become aware of their feelings.  I plan to start using it next week.  It will not stop the behaviors at first but hopefully, as the student becomes aware of how he/she is feeling then this will lead to conversations on self-regulation and what are the triggers and how to calm down before the feeling escalates.

2. Dr. Luis Cruz: I liked how Dr. Cruz used his personal examples of how we as teachers can bring about positive change in our students' lives by coming together with a common goal (mission statement) and following through with productive PLCs.   I plan on creating my professional goal for next year around the work of Dufour and wonder if anyone else would like to join.

#3 Class of '27 Documentary
One statement from this video has circulated in my mind over and over.  The statement is:  We feed them on Monday so they can learn on Tuesday.  I feel that we have so many food insecure students that even though they come on Monday and can eat breakfast that it still isn't enough.  If they truly have not had much to eat for the last two days I can see that it would take a while for little tummies to feel full.  Liz, Nicole and I have thought about writing some grants to have a little food pantry where students can come anytime and have a snack.

- We have to be an advocate for all kids...ALL kids!
- There's actual places to check your intervention/curriculum with research-based reports!
- It was awesome to see Idaho Falls' RTi process, and realize how close ours is to it..we just need to map ours out more specifically! 

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