Monday, January 5, 2015

A New Year and A New Way to Communicate

Happy New Year!

I hope that the break has been a restful, or at least a refreshing, time for you and everyone you care about.  The first half of the year has been such a whirlwind, but I've been overwhelmed with your energy and care in the midst of all the changes.

Even though we are almost half-way through the school year, January always seems to give me a chance to take a deep breath and reboot the goals I'd set back in August.  This blog is one of those "resets."  Like many of our students, who need multiple modes and opportunities to hear information, I'm going to try to improve on how I communicate details to you.  You will still likely get email and announcements, but I'm hoping this is a place where we can upload and track details.  My goal is that it can become a spot where you can readily access information for clarification.

This will be a private, work blog, which is why you got the invitation to join.  Please let me know if you would like to have anything added.  If you've got a great blog you follow, I would love to add it! Do you have a thank you to share publicly?  Send it to me via email, and I'll make sure it gets posted.

Again, thanks for a great first half of the year!  There are still many great moments to experience with our students this year!


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