Sunday, January 18, 2015


WE ARE GROWING READERS! As we finish up Winter IRI this week, I'm so pleased with the results that are beginning to roll in and I hope you are as well.  It's so easy to be hard on ourselves, but instead remember to have a sense of cultivating wonder.  Celebrate the kids who are successfully making gains and then let's ask questions and seek out interventions and materials for those who still seem to be making slow growth.  We are well on our way to making our school-wide spring goal.

Conference Dinners

  • Homemade Soups (Thank you Shawn, Elise and Emily!)at least one will be gluten and meat free.
  • Rolls and cookies from Great Harvest Bread
  • Lasagna
  • French Bread
  • Salad
Parent Survey
The Parent Survey will be in the computer lab available in both English and Spanish.  Please encourage families to take the survey.

Absence Letters
Letters are being mailed this week to families with students who have a number of absences.  Please let me know if you get questions at conferences.

Jerome Rec Center
Did you know that Jerome Rec Center offered scholarships to kids and families!  I recently visited with their manager Gary about the possibilities for one of our kids who needs an energy outlet.  He was super helpful and all about kids!  I think this is a great piece of information to have going into conferences.  Maybe one of you can pass this information on to a family.

Students with Bee Allergies
Please stop by the office this week and view the pictures of two students in our school who have Epi Pens for bee allergies.  We would like you to have an awareness in case there is an issue while you are on playground duty.

Data Teams
Intervention Teams will be scheduling their data team meetings after they've had a chance to look at their Winter IRI and CORE Phonics data.  We will want to meet during your specials.  Please send me an email when you have a time that will work this week or next.  I will be out Jan. 26-28, so please plan to schedule around this.

We will look over data, make adjustments to groups and spend the majority of the time writing goals for the groups and discussing resources that are needed.

Imagine Learning
Each week Shawn and I receive an Imagine Learning usage report.  We share this with the BLT and MTSS (RtI) teams who work with teammates to troubleshoot any issues.  Our goal is 120+ minutes a week and this is especially important for students who have Imagine Learning listed as an RtI intervention.  Recently we found out about a headphone issue and a technology glitch.  Our biggest goal is to help you troubleshoot getting kids on the program.  Please let us know if you are having kids meet this goal.  We are glad to support you and help!

Daily 5 Training
The Daily 5 Training will start on Monday, Feb. 2nd, 3:30-5:00.  We will run the session on Mondays until Spring Break (minus Feb. 16th).  I will buy the book for whomever would like to attend.  1 Credit will be offered through NNU for $60.  You do not have to take the credit to attend.

We will be reading and discussing The Daily 5 and viewing their new DVD series (hot off the presses) called "Up and Running with the Daily 5."  Please let me know if you have other questions.

MTI Trainers at Jefferson on March 16th
The MTI Trainers will be coming to Jefferson on March 16th.  We will plan 1 hour-11/2 hours per team and will have subs for teachers who do not have specials.  Each grade level has been asked to share a topic that they would like to have training on.  If you have an idea, please share that with Building Leadership Team Representative.

Upcoming Events
Lion's Club Eye Exams- Michelle is working with this group to get screenings at our school.  They are currently training on new equipment.  We hope to know something soon.

I am working with the Idaho Shakespeare Festival to bring the Idaho Theater for Youth Assembly to Jefferson.  We are in discussion about an April date.  Stay tuned.

Have a great week!

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