Monday, October 12, 2015

Friday Focus Week of Oct. 12 - Oct. 16

Thank you for conferences.  You are all amazing at the way you encouraged, set goals, and shared concerns with great care.  YEAH to the 1st year teachers for not just getting through conferences, but rocking them!  I appreciate you all very much.

Now..for a few details you may just need this week....

Picture Day
Tomorrow is picture day!  Dorian will be setting up at 6:45AM to be ready for staff pictures at 7:30AM.  You will also get your new school ID.

Otis Spunkmeyer Fundraiser
Please encourage your students to participate in the cookie dough fundraiser.  This was a great resource for us last year.  It helps ensure assemblies, field trips and also some great resources we couldn't otherwise have access to.  Also, please feel free to share this with your own friends and family.  This is a great product and if they purchase online, it will be shipped directly to them.  Thanks for your support with this!  Code: JEFF64

School-wide Progress Monitor
We are doing the reading progress monitors for every student this week.  Please complete these by Friday, Oct. 16th.  If you need a little time over the weekend to put the data into the spreadsheet on the Commons drive, please just let me know.  You DO NOT have to do the CORE Phonics assessment or the MCOMP this time.  Thanks for the data you are collecting.  It will be tremendously important to the MTSS (RtI) Team.

Every Kid Deserves a Refrigerator
When I was a kids, the place to put school work that reflected great effort was the refrigerator.  It hung there with a magnet for friends and family to see until the next piece of learning arrived.  In our office, we have a spot like that.  The clips over the chairs are to celebrate kid's successes.  This doesn't have to be perfect work by any means.  Just send a student down with their writing, art work, or other learning and we'll praise them up and down and then post the work for all to see.

Janitorial Supplies
Tara and Michael are doing a great job keeping up with Jefferson, which is no small task with this old girl.  If you find that a paper towel dispenser has run out, or you have some other need, please make sure to send Tara a quick email.  She and Michael are Johnny-on-the-Spot when they know something has run out.

Conference Numbers
Please don't forget to send me your conference numbers.  I need to turn these in to Dale.  Go ahead and send me what you have currently and then send me an update if you are able to get a few follow ups.  And thank you for the calls and extra meetings you are making to ensure parents are on our team!

Congratulations Jorma!
Check out the books he got off of a small grant! (Please let me know when you put in for grants for your classroom so we can celebrate...and know who to borrow books from.)

Leadership Teams
At Jefferson we have 3 leadership teams: Building Leadership, Culture Team, MTSS (RtI).  Each team has their own purpose, but the primary job is communicate the work of the committee to you as a staff and to bring your thoughts and ideas to the committee.  You will notice a bit of overlap in membership.  This is purposeful to help ensure that the committee work is coordinated.  Please see the purpose of the committees and who will be representing Jefferson this year.

The focus of the Building Leadership Team is to support the principal and faculty with strategic planning, goal setting, and resource support.  The team will represent the grade levels in communicating to the team and back out to the teachers.  The representatives are:  Jorma Fletcher, Shawn Silva, Lisa Henderson, Patti Jeffery, Melisa Bennett, Gaylyn Hall.

The MTSS (RtI) Team will provide school-wide data review, goal setting and monitoring as well as problem-solving and resource support to staff when a student is referred because of a lack of growth with tier 1 & 2 interventions.  Jefferson will be represented by:  Chelsey Clixby, Valerie Whitby, Jorma Fletcher, Shawn Silva, Chelsey Clixby, Valerie Whitby, Liz Elison, Tammy Munk, Patti Jeffery, Mary Kinney, Deb Suhr.

The Building Culture Team will be focused on the overall culture of the school for students and staff.  They will lead the charge in communicating about the Leader in Me processes, schoolwide expectations and other cultural needs.  The team is:  Sara Sauer, Aleasa Herman, Kayleigh Witkowski, Deb Suhr, Denise Baugh, Chris Perry

A Great Article on Sight Words from Edutopia

Upcoming Events

October – T-shirt Sales - PTO
October 12th - Building Culture Team @ 3:30PM
October 13th - Individual Student Pictures - Staff beginning at 7:30AM
October 13th - Building Leadership Team @ 3:30PM
October 15th - Staff Meeting @ 3:30PM in the library
October 16th - MTSS Upload all day
October 16th - Fire Prevention Assemblies
October 16th - All Staff Collaboration @ 2:30 in the library
Nov. 13th – Jefferson Gives Day – Food Bank donations
Nov. 17th – Jefferson Literacy Night & Cookie Dough Pick Up

To Do
  • Turn in Management Plans to Angie
  • Turn in Teacher Artifact Bags and Theme Song

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