Sunday, October 25, 2015

Friday Focus - Week of Oct. 26 - Oct. 30

Fun is in the air!  It should be a busy, but exciting week for kids at Jefferson!  Please come down to the office for a chocolate when you need a small dose of patience.  This is such a fun, but energy filled time for our little ones.

Kids Without Costumes
If you start to feel like one of your students may not have a costume this year, please let Deb or I know.  We have a few connections that might help a kid feel included in our school festivities.

Progress Monitoring on Thursday
For this week, we will cancel interventions on Thursday and use the day for progress monitoring.  We realize you missed a couple of Friday's in a row.  There was a bit of schedule confusion last week. We will work to put the actual schedule on paper and will get you a copy ASAP.

Halloween Safety Presentations
Officer Clayton will be here throughout the week doing Halloween Safety Presentations.  Please make sure to check the Jefferson Elementary Events Calendar if you need to double check a time.

Pumpkin Decorating Contest
If a student brings in a decorated pumpkin, please have them put it on one of the tables in the hallway.  These will be judged later in the week.  A participation prize will be given to each child who participates.

Halloween Celebrations on Friday

  • DARE Concert - 8:30AM in the gym.  Please come to the gym as soon as you have taken attendance.
  • AM Kindergarten Costume Parade @ 10:15AM.  Other classes will watch in the hall outside of their room.  New teachers, please check in with a veteran who can explain how this tradition works.
  • Costumes and Parties after lunch
  • PM Kindergarten-3rd Grade Costume Parade @1:15.  Watch for a map of how this works in your boxes.
Collaboration This Friday

With  your teams

FUN Free Ten Frame Game from Greg Tang

BSU ED Tech Scholarship
BSU is offering $1000 scholarships to teachers who enter their program for a master's in Technology Leadership.  If you are interested there is more information on the whiteboard in the office.

Ready for Kindergarten
We are SO pleased that the Ready for Kindergarten Program will be hosted at Jefferson on Nov. 11th from 6:00-8:30.  This is a super program for the families of toddlers and pre-schoolers.  They get amazing books and resources for attending.  You won't have to do anything, but we would like you to help spread the word.

Upcoming Events

October – T-shirt Sales - PTO
Oct. 26th - Culture Team Meeting @3:30
Oct. 27th - Building Leadership Team @ 3:30
Oct. 28th - Tiger Award Luncheon - All Students - 11:30
Oct. 28th - MTSS Meeting @ 3:30
Oct. 30th - DARE Concert @ 8:30
Oct. 30t - Halloween Costume Parades - K AM 10:15, K-3 1:15, Parties in the afternoon
Nov. 13th – Jefferson Gives Day – Food Bank donations
Nov. 17th – Jefferson Literacy Night & Cookie Dough Pick Up

To Do
  • Turn in Professional Development Goals by Nov.2nd

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