Sunday, February 28, 2016

Week of February 29th - March 4th

 You all continuously amaze me with your leadership, respect, kindness and patience that you extend to your students, colleagues, and to me.  Please also remember to extend these same courtesies to yourself.   It is easy  to wear thin this time of year, but I would encourage you to stand tall!  You do an amazing job for our kiddos!  Let the small things go and consider the kids who have made great gains in their learning, because of your investments as an individual and as a team. 
Thank you to all of you!

Please help us with one last push for the Jefferson Carnival this week.  It really does help to talk up the events, activities, and raffle sales.  We have been blessed with an incredible PTO.  They work so hard for us and what they do makes a huge difference in the programs and resources we are able to provide at Jefferson.  Many of them are our own colleagues.  Please give them a smile and a thank you when you see them popping corn and making cotton candy this week.  And thanks to all of you who have added all of the extra pieces (baskets, raffle tickets, notes home, game volunteering, etc.) to your day to help make this happen!  It's going to be a ton of fun and know that I appreciate your help very much!

Jefferson Expectations and Reteaching
Currently, there are approximately 610 students at Jefferson.  That's a lot of little bodies.  Right now we have about 1-2% with extra behavioral needs and supports.  The other 98% of our kids are doing a great job most of the time.  But, there has been a lot of high energy building, especially at recess and in the halls during transition times.  First grade recently shared in their collaboration notes that they have come up with a plan to reteach and acknowledge kids and classes who are doing a great job!  I'd love to hear what the rest of the teams are doing as well.

 I'd like to ask that all of us do the following:

  • With your grade level team, please choose one Jefferson Expectation a week to reteach our students.
  • Spend 5-10 minutes reviewing and practicing this expectation. (A fun way is to have kids show you good examples and bad examples, but always remember to end with another good example.)
  • Consider ways that you can acknowledge the kids that are meeting the expectation.

Sub Support
We are sad to see Tammy Cooley leave the district office, but we are excited for the new adventure she is on moving to Arizona.  We wish her the best!  But, as the district reorganizes and hires, Gina Cakebread will be the new sub planner.  If you have glitches, she will be your new contact.

Helping Students Focus
Last week I read and article (I'll share it with you soon.) that said I need to get over the idea that I can multi-task (Yes, it did speak directly to me :-) ).  We all have 'neural limitations.'  Considering this idea, I thought you might enjoy the strategies in this article for helping with both energy and calm in the classroom.

For those of You Working n Informational Writing or Nonfiction Text Structure
An article with ideas from Nell Duke

More Comments from the Parent Surveys
  • I appreciate her pushing my child farther. She is very positive toward my child
  • Amazing teacher with a great love for her students!
  • Goes above and beyond the call of duty to help my child succeed.
  • As a parent I am completely happy with my boy's teachers and the staff at Jefferson Elementary School.
  • Everyone does an amazing job and sometimes doesn't get enough credit for it!!! To the Principal to the Vice, the Staff Members and all the Teachers!!! Amazing job for our kids.
  • The speech and reading helpers have made a huge difference in my child's life both at home and school. He has come a long way in a short time because of these wonderful people.
Upcoming Events
  • Building Culture Team - February 29th, March 7th, March 14th
  • TLIM Book Study - February 29th, March 7th, March 14th
  • Building Leadership Team - March 1st, March, 15th
  • MTSS/RtI - March 2nd, March 9th, March 16th
  • Classroom and Individual Picture Day - March 4th
  • Jefferson School Carnival - March 4th
  • Times News Spelling Bee - March 7th
  • Daily 5/CAFE Book Study - March 10th, March 17th
  • Jefferson Spirit Day/Tiger Award Luncheon - March 18th
  • Spring Break - March 21st - 25th

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Week of February 22nd - 26th

A Short and sweet blog post.  I hope you had a great weekend.

Tomorrow's Schedule

Writing Training - Library
8:15-9:45 - 2nd/3rd Grade
11:00-12:30 - 1st Grade
12:45-2:15 - Kindergarten

Please bring your box of materials.

Imagine Learning - Shawn's Room
8:30 - 9:15 - 1st Grade
9:15 - 10:00 - Kindergarten
10:00-10:45 - 3rd Grade
10:45 - 11:30 - 2nd Grade

Outside of these scheduled events, the rest of the day is for you and your team.  It is a full contract day and I know many of you are staying for a book study afterwards.  I hope you find it a productive time!

Carnival - Friday, March 4th

The Carnival is just around the corner.  Please encourage kids to sell their raffle tickets (They can have more.) and to bring in basket items.  Thanks to all of you who have signed up to help!  This is a big fund raiser for Jefferson and Lydia Jackson and the other moms put a TON of time into this even for all of us.  Please watch for more details coming soon.
World Read Aloud Day - Wednesday, February 16th

I hope you will consider taking part in World Read Aloud Day. If you go to their website you can register for a chance to win a class set of "How to Read a Story" by Kate Messner.  They also have a number of resources that look good.

1st annual Daddy/Daughter Dance 

The Jerome High School HOSA (Future Health Professionals) will be holding the 1st Annual Daddy - Daughter Dance for girls pre-school through 5th Grade.  In order to help promote the dance and get the girls excited, three of the high school girls will be at lunch all dressed up.  This should not impact instructional time, but I'm sure it will create some excitement.

Upcoming Events
Feb. 22nd - Teacher PD/Work Day
Feb. 24th  - MTSS
Feb. 23th - BLT

To Do List
Get your name to Angie and Anne if you were the driver for the Rigby trip.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Week of February 16th - 19th

Welcome to the Jefferson Family

Brody Michael!

Sarah and her family are doing very well and Weston seems to really like his new brother!

We can't wait to meet this little guy in person.

In the meantime Sarah, rest up and enjoy this time!

A Few Comments From the Parent Survey

"We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, the Jefferson staff and have had kids here for the past 9 years."

"Jefferson Elementary's Principal and staff really do care about the safety and learning of all the students who go to here.  Thank You for all of the support."

"My daughter raves about all of the teachers and staff she interacts with and I am so appreciative."

Idaho Theater for Youth
Our assembly on Tuesday will begin very close to 1:00.  Please have your students ready to go around 12:55.  We will call grade levels to the gym. We may also call the last kids in from recess a little early.

If you can, please call and remind your workshop nominee's family about the 4:00 pick up after the workshop.

Requesting Subs - Please Watch the Times
It is important that when you request a sub that you use the preset hours or your official contract hours, which are 8:00AM-3:45PM.  Many of you are very diligent and ask subs to arrive at 7:45AM so that they can review your plans.  But, we can not work subs over 30 hours a week in district.  To make the most of our best subs, this mean just under 7.5 hours a day for 4 days a week.  We can have them work your contract hours (lunch does not count in those hours) or slightly less and keep within the limits.  Thank for helping with this when you put a sub in AESOP.

Did You Drive to Rigby?
If you were the driver for your Rigby trip, please see me about mileage reimbursement.

Virtual Field Trips
Cools ideas from Brendalynn about available virtual field trips.  Please invite me to chaperone if you go on one!

Word Wall Ideas
I love to see other teachers creative ideas for word walls.  Check these out!

Evaluations-Communicating with Families - Domain 4 -c
As I'm working on evaluations, I'm realizing that one of the hard components for me to answer is on your communication with families.  If you have an artifact, like a weekly or monthly newsletter, please drop a copy off in the office so we can be aware of all the great things you are doing!

February 22nd - Imagine Learning and Writing Unit Work
Next Monday we will be spending time in teams working on the Lucy Calkin's Writing Units.  These pieces of curriculum will continue to be using, even with the new reading adoption.  In fact, we are coming to a point when we really need to determine the "tight" and "loose" pieces and a schedule of when we will teacher different sections with our students next year.  Please come to the time with your writing samples (as discussed with your BLT grade level leader), your box of grade level resources and an open mind!

Also, Lori Piccolo will be in Shawn's room for a 30 min. discussion of the free resources available to you.  Specific grade level times to come soon.

Do You Know Someone Who Sews?
I have a project for Jefferson and can supplies $$ for materials and time.  Please let me know.  Thanks!

Digital Learning Day
Did anyone see Janet's email about Digital Learning Day?  Did you register an activity?  I'd love to know about it and get pictures!

Upcoming Events
Feb. 17th, 24th  - MTSS
Feb. 16th, 23th - BLT
Feb. 19th - Blue Jean Friday
Feb. 19th - PTO - Jefferson Gives - Crazy Hair Day
Feb. 22nd - Teacher PD/Work Day

To Do List

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Week of February 8th - February 12th

this week as we head into Valentine's Day Parties!  Enjoy every moment and remember all the memories you are helping them make!

Happy Valentine's Day! 
(Don't forget your Secret Valentine!)

Mark your calendars! February 24 it's World Read Aloud Day. "Created by Pam Allyn, the founder of LitWorld and an ambassador for the Scholastic Open a World of Possible literacy initiative, World Read Aloud Day calls attention to the power of reading aloud, and connects the world as a community of readers."
Please talk to your teams.  I'm wondering what we might dream up for our kids on this day.  I know I would love to come read to your classes.  Maybe guest readers?  Leaders from our community?

Extra Food in the Cafeteria
A couple of quick reminders..

  1. Kids are allowed to have food that their parents have sent from home in the lunchroom...even if they are also having hot lunch.  We legally can not limit this.  It it becomes an issue with a particular student, please let me know and we will address it with the parent.
  2. Kids are allowed unlimited fruits and veggies.  They can also have an extra milk from the shared table. 
Please let me know if you have any questions about this.

Idaho Theater for Youth - Next Week
Please remember to get your student nomination to Anne ASAP!  Please also make a call to the student's parents to let them know we will need to have permission by Wednesday.

Also, if you would like to, but no pressure, here is the student guide for giving the kids an idea of what they will be viewing during the performance.  With young kids, this can be helpful for their understanding. Shakespeare Stealer Study Guide

I LOVE Infographics
I thought this was an especially thoughtful and simple explanation of differentiation.  Enjoy!

Upcoming Events
Feb. 10th, 17th, 24th  - MTSS
Feb. 9th, 16th, 23th - BLT
Feb. 15th - No School
Feb. 19th - Blue Jean Friday
Feb. 19th - PTO - Jefferson Gives - Crazy Hair Day
Feb. 22nd - Teacher PD/Work Day

To Do List
Please turn in your nominations for the Idaho Theater for Youth Workshops.