Monday, February 15, 2016

Week of February 16th - 19th

Welcome to the Jefferson Family

Brody Michael!

Sarah and her family are doing very well and Weston seems to really like his new brother!

We can't wait to meet this little guy in person.

In the meantime Sarah, rest up and enjoy this time!

A Few Comments From the Parent Survey

"We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, the Jefferson staff and have had kids here for the past 9 years."

"Jefferson Elementary's Principal and staff really do care about the safety and learning of all the students who go to here.  Thank You for all of the support."

"My daughter raves about all of the teachers and staff she interacts with and I am so appreciative."

Idaho Theater for Youth
Our assembly on Tuesday will begin very close to 1:00.  Please have your students ready to go around 12:55.  We will call grade levels to the gym. We may also call the last kids in from recess a little early.

If you can, please call and remind your workshop nominee's family about the 4:00 pick up after the workshop.

Requesting Subs - Please Watch the Times
It is important that when you request a sub that you use the preset hours or your official contract hours, which are 8:00AM-3:45PM.  Many of you are very diligent and ask subs to arrive at 7:45AM so that they can review your plans.  But, we can not work subs over 30 hours a week in district.  To make the most of our best subs, this mean just under 7.5 hours a day for 4 days a week.  We can have them work your contract hours (lunch does not count in those hours) or slightly less and keep within the limits.  Thank for helping with this when you put a sub in AESOP.

Did You Drive to Rigby?
If you were the driver for your Rigby trip, please see me about mileage reimbursement.

Virtual Field Trips
Cools ideas from Brendalynn about available virtual field trips.  Please invite me to chaperone if you go on one!

Word Wall Ideas
I love to see other teachers creative ideas for word walls.  Check these out!

Evaluations-Communicating with Families - Domain 4 -c
As I'm working on evaluations, I'm realizing that one of the hard components for me to answer is on your communication with families.  If you have an artifact, like a weekly or monthly newsletter, please drop a copy off in the office so we can be aware of all the great things you are doing!

February 22nd - Imagine Learning and Writing Unit Work
Next Monday we will be spending time in teams working on the Lucy Calkin's Writing Units.  These pieces of curriculum will continue to be using, even with the new reading adoption.  In fact, we are coming to a point when we really need to determine the "tight" and "loose" pieces and a schedule of when we will teacher different sections with our students next year.  Please come to the time with your writing samples (as discussed with your BLT grade level leader), your box of grade level resources and an open mind!

Also, Lori Piccolo will be in Shawn's room for a 30 min. discussion of the free resources available to you.  Specific grade level times to come soon.

Do You Know Someone Who Sews?
I have a project for Jefferson and can supplies $$ for materials and time.  Please let me know.  Thanks!

Digital Learning Day
Did anyone see Janet's email about Digital Learning Day?  Did you register an activity?  I'd love to know about it and get pictures!

Upcoming Events
Feb. 17th, 24th  - MTSS
Feb. 16th, 23th - BLT
Feb. 19th - Blue Jean Friday
Feb. 19th - PTO - Jefferson Gives - Crazy Hair Day
Feb. 22nd - Teacher PD/Work Day

To Do List

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