Sunday, February 7, 2016

Week of February 8th - February 12th

this week as we head into Valentine's Day Parties!  Enjoy every moment and remember all the memories you are helping them make!

Happy Valentine's Day! 
(Don't forget your Secret Valentine!)

Mark your calendars! February 24 it's World Read Aloud Day. "Created by Pam Allyn, the founder of LitWorld and an ambassador for the Scholastic Open a World of Possible literacy initiative, World Read Aloud Day calls attention to the power of reading aloud, and connects the world as a community of readers."
Please talk to your teams.  I'm wondering what we might dream up for our kids on this day.  I know I would love to come read to your classes.  Maybe guest readers?  Leaders from our community?

Extra Food in the Cafeteria
A couple of quick reminders..

  1. Kids are allowed to have food that their parents have sent from home in the lunchroom...even if they are also having hot lunch.  We legally can not limit this.  It it becomes an issue with a particular student, please let me know and we will address it with the parent.
  2. Kids are allowed unlimited fruits and veggies.  They can also have an extra milk from the shared table. 
Please let me know if you have any questions about this.

Idaho Theater for Youth - Next Week
Please remember to get your student nomination to Anne ASAP!  Please also make a call to the student's parents to let them know we will need to have permission by Wednesday.

Also, if you would like to, but no pressure, here is the student guide for giving the kids an idea of what they will be viewing during the performance.  With young kids, this can be helpful for their understanding. Shakespeare Stealer Study Guide

I LOVE Infographics
I thought this was an especially thoughtful and simple explanation of differentiation.  Enjoy!

Upcoming Events
Feb. 10th, 17th, 24th  - MTSS
Feb. 9th, 16th, 23th - BLT
Feb. 15th - No School
Feb. 19th - Blue Jean Friday
Feb. 19th - PTO - Jefferson Gives - Crazy Hair Day
Feb. 22nd - Teacher PD/Work Day

To Do List
Please turn in your nominations for the Idaho Theater for Youth Workshops.

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