Friday, November 11, 2016

Week of November 14th - November 18th

Thank you for a great week of Jefferson!  It was a busy one.  We did so many great things for kids!  But, that can also take a toll if we aren't careful.  I hope you'll have some time to relax and regroup this weekend.  A long holiday is fast approaching!  Here are a few details that you will need for the week ahead.

Family Literacy Night Thank You
Thanks to all of you who helped serve hot dogs, prepared jokes for doors and helped organize cookie dough.  We had a great turn out!  It was fun to see how excited the kids got to have Gary Hogg read their work to the crowd.  Priceless!  Thanks to Liz and Nicole for all of the organizing!  This was synergizing at its best!  Here's my new favorite photo taken earlier in the day at the assembly:

Staff Meeting
We will have a staff meeting Monday.  Prizes will be given.  :-)

Journeys Training
Tyler, the Journeys Trainer will be here Wednesday and Thursday.  BLT planned with Tyler a week ago, and we shared your questions we had at that time.  He will primarily spend time with you and your team talking about planning and resources for a 90 min. block Monday through Friday.  He is aware of some of the constraints you deal will and will try to answer as many of your questions as possible.  Please bring your materials to the library during your team's time.  We also got word that the software you need to access the interactive tools is being loaded this weekend!  Our hope is that Tyler can help with these pieces as well.  We may need to borrow an empty classroom for this piece.  Here's the basics:

Nov. 16th
AM - 3rd Grade 8:30-11:30 (Please aim for 8:15 if possible)
PM - 2nd Grade 12:30-3:30 (Possibly 3:45)

Nov. 17th
AM - Kinder (Please aim for 8:15 if possible)
PM - 1st Grade (Possibly 3:45)

Library Changes
Due to Journey's Training and RtI Upload Day on Friday, we will be using the library Wed. through Friday.   If you have a library special Wed-Fri, please contact Jen about a push in library special on those days.  Thanks for flexing Jen! I wish we had more available spaces!

Picture Retakes
These are Friday.  They will only be for individual kiddos in the library.  We'll try our best to work around your schedule.

Collaboration - Habit #3
Put First Things First is habit #3.  Looking forward to what the trainers have put together for collaboration this Friday!

Kid Successes
Recently I have had a number of you send me emails about kid successes, both behaviorally and academically.  I can't tell you how much I LOVE this!  It fills all of our buckets to see kids that have struggled, having great days!  Thank you to all of you who have also let parents know about these celebrations!  We would also LOVE to get to celebrate with the kids in person.  Please don't hesitate to send them to the office for extra recognition or to hang their work on our brag wall.  There is a lot of power in positive reinforcement!

Behavior Practise
Thank you Deb for reminding me that we are here to teach kids, not just apply consequences.  Deb had a lot of success with a little guy last week because they took a recess to practise.  On this note....

Lunchroom Practise
Teri reminded me recently that we never took the time to really explain to the kids our expectations in the lunchroom.  The duty staff think it would really help improve the flow and atmosphere.  During the 21st and 22nd, there will be no interventions.  If you would be interested in signing up to have your class attend a lunchroom procedures presentation for about 15 min. one of those days, please let me know by Wednesday of this week.

Data Teams
Data Teams were AWESOME!  It was so good to be with all of you, hear your noticings and wondering about kids, and hear what you need to support them in our reading interventions.  Liz and Nicole notice something new at each meeting about how we can make them even more productive.  Thank you also for having all of your data in by Monday morning!  This made getting ready that much easier.  Much appreciation!

I'm still working to secure this blog so that you can add comments as you are reading.  Sorry for the extra step, but I would be happy to entertain any questions through email!
Have a good weekend.


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