Thursday, November 3, 2016

Week of November 7th - November 11th

You guys are awesome!  Thank you for joining in on the fun!  Your costumes were so creative, but that's really no surprise.  You do amazing things with your kids everyday!  Thanks for making Halloween so much fun for our kids.

 Here are a few of the highlights you'll need to know for the week...

All School Progress Monitors are Due
Please make sure these are in no later than Monday at 8AM.  We will be looking at this data to get ready for the Data Team Meetings.

Data Team Meetings
We will be running Data Team Meetings on Wednesday so there won't be intervention.  Paras will be covering your rooms.  Please let me know if you need a refresher on your time or who will be covering your room.  We will be meeting in the Intervention Room.  Our big questions (paraphrased) will be:
  • Which kids are growing and having success with the interventions that have been put into place?
  • Which kids have flat data lines and may need a different resource or intervention and "change line?"
  • Which kids may need to change groups to better match their need?
Gary Hogg and Literacy Night

This coming Thursday, Nov. 10th is our Literacy Night.  

Gary Hogg will be here all day Thursday doing assemblies and writing workshops again!  He did such a great job last year and we hope this will inspire the kids again.  Below is the schedule for that day.  We intend to still have interventions for K, 1st and 3rd,  but 2nd will be in writing workshops during  their block.  Please make sure that kids have the following items for the workshops:

  • whiteboard or something to write on
  • pencil
  • paper

Also, Gary will be staying to do an evening performance for the families at Literacy Night.  From 5:00-6:00, we will have dinner and guest readers and we would like families to be able to go to your door to find a joke.  They will read the joke and record their answer.  They will get to enter this work for a fun drawing!  Please let Liz, Nicole or I know if you are struggling with this project.  Gary will start his performance at 6:00PM.

Thanks for your help with this!  We think it'll be another great day for kids and families.

Thursday's Schedule
8:30-9:30 - Assembly (2nd, 3rd, Kinder AM)
9:45-10:30 - 3rd Grade Workshop
10:45-11:30 - 2nd Grade Workshop
12:45-1:45 - Assembly (1st, Kinder PM)
2:00-2:30 - 1/2 of 1st Grade
2:30-3:00 - 1/2 of 1st Grade

Veteran's Day Activities
In the Jerome School District, Horizon has traditionally done the Veteran's Day Program and Jefferson does the Memorial Day Program.  We do have some paras (Thank you Teri) who will be helping with a bulletin board to honor veterans this week, but we have also bought a book for each of your classrooms to use as a read-aloud.  Please use this text as you see fit.  The K-1 book is already here and will be delivered tomorrow.  We are hoping the 2-3 grade text will be here tomorrow as well.  If you are interested, here are the links:

We hope you find the books helpful as we seek to help our kids understand what it means to honor veterans and others who help keep us safe and free to learn.

Habit 3 - Put First Things First
Collaboration for the week will be around Habit 3: Put First Things First.  This is the habit that can be hardest to help little ones learn.  They know what to do, but it's so much easier to put it off and do the thing you want to do.   I've been reflecting on this one a lot myself, and I think it will helpful to have the refresher with colleagues before going into this busy season.

Lesson Plan Schedule
Please notice the lesson plan schedule to the right has been updated.  Please upload or send your lesson plans to the office.

Nov. 11th is our PTO fundraiser "Hat Day."  I think we are also due for a Blue Jeans Friday.  So live it up!  New staff, we will ask students to make a donation to wear their hat, but we will NOT strictly enforce this.  If they come with a hat, but without money, they may participate.  This money will be donated, but I need to have Daphne remind me where it will be going.  This is a way for Jefferson kids to practise generosity and giving back.

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