Friday, December 2, 2016

Week of December 5th - December 9th

Image result for this business of raising little peopleI hope your break was relaxing and bucket filling and that you've had a great week back.  Here are a few things you will need to know for the week(s) ahead.

Congratulations to Joy!
She's almost there!  The homework is almost over...for a bit.  We are super proud of the job you've done wrapping up classes and finishing your degree all while starting your first classroom!  Way to go!

Come Listen to Ashlee Play!
On Tuesday, December 6th at 7:30 in the CSI Performing Arts Ashlee will be joining the ensemble that she practices with each week.  If you are looking for a fun holiday evening, this is a great way!  Thanks for letting us know about this Ashlee.

Data Teams
Wednesday will be Data Teams.  Please let us know if you need your team's scheduled time.  Also, please make sure that your progress monitors are in for students by Monday at 8:00AM so we can prepare data for the discussions.  This will also mean no interventions on Wednesday.

Tiger Awards
We are trying to catch back up on Tiger Awards.  Please make sure to turn your awards for Habit #3 - Put First Things First, by Monday, December 5th.  We will hold the Tiger Award Luncheon on December 9th.

Lesson Plans
Thank you to First Grade for submitting lesson plans this week.  Here's the schedule for the next few weeks:  Dec. 5 - 2nd Grade,  Dec. 12 - 3rd Grade/Specialists

So far we have earned $521.10 from BoxTops.  Every little bit counts!  This is down a few hundred dollars from this time last year.  Please just keep encouraging kids to bring them in.
Safety/Emergency Plans
Please take just a second to make sure that your red bags are in a spot near your door where a sub could find them on the way out in case of an emergency.  Please make sure the bag has your Emergency Plan and a current list of your kids.  We will be bringing you new maps.  The only difference is that they have updated teacher names on them.  Please replace the maps you currently have posted.

You all have done a great job at practicing fire drills.  We have the primary route down pat.  But, it's time for us to start practicing secondary routes and other emergencies.  Please be aware that this will not be announced.  We will just block a hallway or reroute you.

Also, if you review this with the kids, you can simplify the process with three basic types of practice:

  1. Get out (Fire Drill)
  2. Get in (from outside)
  3. Hall Check (A less scary way to say soft lock down.)
These are the three types of drills, but primarily the "Get out" with some secondary route practice. Thanks for think through this with your kids.

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