Friday, January 20, 2017

Week of January 23rd - January 27th

Image result for Dukes of Hazzard Daisy Duke Jumping a carHave any of you heard Anne's stories about jumping snow drifts and getting Big Red through the snow tunnels in the North Country?  I told her the other day that every time she tells us about her morning commute, I picture her driving like Daisy in the Dukes of Hazard!  :-)  I know your commutes have been a bit sketchy the last few weeks.  The snow days are hopefully behind us.  Thanks for the adjustments you've made in your calendars and schedules to accommodate!

Lesson Plans
Please note there is a new schedule on the blog for submitting lesson plans on the right side of the blog.  Toni will be the one checking in with you on this.

Idaho Theater for Youth
This group will be her on Thursday, February 2nd.  Here's the basics of what you need to know.

  • There will be an assembly after last recess in the gym that day.
  • There will be 3 workshops offered.
    • One is for the kids you invite.  It will be from 3:15-4:15.  Please invite the student.  Next week we will have a permission slip for you to send home.
    • There will be 2 additional workshops.  One will be at 3:15 and one will be at 4:15.  We have 50 spots, which can be reserved by parents with $2 and a permission slip.  These will go home Monday.  Please help kids turn these into the office ASAP.

IRI and Progress Monitoring
The IRI will take place the week of Feb. 6th.  Please plan on regular, whole class progress monitoring next week.  The progress monitor data sheets will be due next Friday, January 27th.  There will not be a data team the following week.  We will wait until after the IRI.

Tiger Awards
Please complete your Tiger Awards and turn them into the office by Wednesday.  We will attempt to have a Tiger Award Luncheon next Friday.

Staff Meeting
There will be a staff meeting on Monday.  We will be reviewing:

  • Emergency Lesson Plans - If you have a folder, please bring it.
  • Emergency Evacuation Plans - Please bring your red bag.
  • We will also be thinking about the question -
    "How might we better communicate with each other?  Office to Teachers, Teachers to Office, Teachers to Paras, Paras to Teachers, Teachers to Teachers....come with lots of ideas.  We may not spend a lot of time doing more than recording, but we want to consider this BIG question.

Donuts for Dads
Dads and Donuts is next Friday morning.  Early is better for parking.  :-)  Please also have something ready for students to read to their dads at their desks when they finish their donuts in the gym.  It's a great chance to build relationships.

Read Like a Tiger Celebration
We will be celebrating the students who met their goal at the Varsity Basketball Game on Friday, January 27th at the high school gym.  Please plan on joining us.  Your badge gets you into the game free.

Harrison Elementary Leadership Day
If you are a new staff member, and would like to see a Leader in Me School, please let me know and we'll send you to the Harrison Elementary Leadership Day on Feb. 9th.  We need to sign up ASAP.  Please let me know.

Instructional Rounds
Next month is our 2nd set of Instructional Rounds.  These are primarily intended to be with your professional goal groups, but if you have an independent goal, you can join any group.  Please let me know if your group is planning to take advantage of this opportunity or not.

Writing Instruction Building English Proficiency
This is a quick article, but it spoke to the targes many of you have already identified in your professional goals.

Spelling Bee
Next week, on Wednesday, January 25th, the 2nd and 3rd Grade will be having their spelling bee to determine who will go to the regional bee.  Thank you to kinder and Mrs. Perry for flexing.

Barnes and Noble
Please make sure to let me know if you can be at the Barnes and Noble Fundraiser on Feb. 11th.  We have a few plans to make.

Theme Song
And the theme song from Imagine Dragons belonged to....Liz Elison!  Congratulations to Nicole and Crystal for their correct guesses.

This week's theme song is Chocolate, by Soul Control  Who does it belong to?
A. Crystal Winter
B. Angie Brulotte
C. Anne Jackson
D. Tawna Huttanus

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