Thursday, January 5, 2017

Week of January 9th - January 13th

Well, that was quite the beginning to the new semester!  I'm from snow country, but I don't think I've ever seen it snow "up" before!  A big shout out to the District Maintenance Crew for their efforts at getting Jefferson dug out!                                                                                                                                             I hope your break was relaxing and restful!  You deserved every minute of the vacation! The next few weeks will be busy.  Here are a few notes about upcoming events.

Staff Meeting Monday, January 9th
We'll take a little bit of time to review our Emergency Plans.  Please bring your red bag to the meeting.

Emergency Sub Plans
A couple of years ago we had everyone turn in their Emergency Sub Plans to the Office.  This didn't actually work that well.  Last year we asked you to have them in an obvious location in your room, or where a colleague would know where to find them.  This isn't perfect, but worked a little better.  In the next couple of weeks, Toni and/or I will be by to have you share your folder with us.  We will also take a few minutes to visit about this at our staff meeting.

Primary Math Assessment January 9th - 20th
Beginning Monday we will be administering the PMA to all K-2 kids at Jefferson.  This will take 2 weeks.  We will have 3 subs here helping with interventions.  Please be aware of this.  We have tried to plan so that interventions with specific programs can still function.  If there are any questions or problems, please let me know.

Jump Rope for Heart
The fundraiser is set to kick-off Friday with an assembly at 1:15.  We'll keep you posted with any possible changes based on the snow days.  The fundraiser will go through Feb. 3rd.  Chris is handling the details.

De-Escalation Training
Rick Webb who runs Jerome Academy and is a certified trainer will be holding a De-Escalation Training for staff on Jan. 11-12, and Jan. 18.  We will have a handful of people out each day from K-1.  In early Feb. we hope to get the rest of the staff trained.  The training will focus on recognizing when a student is starting into a cycle and what we can do to be proactive to prevent them.  Please double check if you've forgotten which day you will attend.  Also, please make sure to put in for a sub on the day you are attending.

PTO Movie Night
On Friday, January 20th the PTO will host a Family Movie Night at 6:00PM.  This is not a fundraiser.  Instead it is an opportunity to connect with our families and enjoy a winter evening.  You are not required to attend, but it would be great to have you there if you are able.  Popcorn and water will be provided.

Idaho Theater for Youth - After School Workshop Nominations
On Thursday, February 2nd, the Idaho Theater for Youth will be here for an assembly and 3 after school workshops.  We will be sending a flyer home soon so that families can reserve a spot for their child, but first, I would like each teacher to nominate at least one student to attend at their invitation.  Please choose one child from your class to attend, ask their family (make sure they are aware that there will be no bus after the workshop), and then let us know in the office.  We will need to have these names by Wednesday, January 24th to hold the spots.  Specialists, you are also welcome to invite a student, please just double check with the classroom teacher first.

Theme Songs
I was reminded recently that I did not finish the theme songs for all staff at the staff meetings last year!  Yikes!  I did find a few more, so I thought we might add a little fun to the blog.  I'll post a song here.  If you will email me your guess, on Friday I will draw a name from all of the correct anwers.  I'm sure there will be wonderful prizes!  

Here's the first one...
Which staff member's favorite song is "Walking on Sunshine?"
1- Deb Suhr
2-Mary Kinney
3-Shawn Silva
4- Gaylyn Hall

The Power of Movement in the Classroom
Two articles that are worth reading and considering.

Letting kids move in class isn’t a break from learning. It IS learning. - The Washington Post

21 Awesome Ways to Get Your Students Moving During Learning Center Time - WeAreTeachers

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