Sunday, September 27, 2015

Friday Focus - Week of Sept. 28th - Oct. 2nd

Sorry!  This is a bit of a Monday Focus.  Thanks for looking a few details over!  Have a great short week!

Moms and Muffins
The PTO will host the annual Moms and Muffins event.  This even will start in the gym at 7:30 with muffins, yogurt and other breakfast items.  An acrostic poem activity will be on the table for families.  After they finish in the gym, families will come to classrooms to read a book.  Please come join the fun!  Grab a muffin and enjoy spending time with moms and kids.  Please also have a book at the students' desks so they are ready to read.

In-service Days - Thursday and Friday
Here's the basics.  Please be flexible in case there are changes.

Thursday Morning - 8:00-11:30 - Teacher Voice Training @ the middle school
Thursday Afternoon - 1:00-3:45 - Milepost Intervention Training and Work Time
Optional Thursday Afternoon - 1:00-3:45 - Autism Training - Lauren will be putting on a great training.  If you would prefer to attend this, please let me know ASAP!

Friday Morning - 8:00-9:00 - Donuts and Bulletin Boards - We will put together the bulletin boards in the main hall first thing in the morning.  Please bring your best ideas, goals and a little creativity.  If you have a Cricket and would be willing to bring it, we would be very appreciative.  I believe Shawn will be bringing hers.
Friday Morning Part 2 - 9:30-11:30 - Lucy Calkin's Writing Units in the library.  We will spend some time unpacking the writing standards and the resources that will support this work.
Friday Afternoon - 1:00-3:45 - Work time.  Continue working on Mileposts or preparing for conferences.

Hearing Screenings
This week (Monday, Sept. 28-Wednesday, Sept. 30) the Speech and Language folks will be conducting hearing screenings for our school.  Please be flexible with this process.  It is very hard to predict when they will be screening your class, but we will ask them to work around specials and intervention as much as possible.

Computer Tables
The company who installed the computer tables in 1st and 2nd grade will be here during the Thursday and Friday October In-service Days (this week) to replace a few of the tops which had dings.  They will remove and replace your computers if they need to replace your table top.  Just a heads up.  You don't need to do anything.  They'll just be in your rooms.

Update on Progress Monitoring
Please check with your MTSS (RtI) Team member for a few minor changes to the Progress Monitoring.  We slightly lessened the load.  You can get specifics from Liz, Tammy, Patti, and Mary.

American Legion Chili Feed
On Saturday, October 17th the American Legion Auxiliary has invited Jefferson Staff to be their guests at their annual Chili Feed.  This group has been very supportive of our Memorial Day Concert in May.  I would love to have at least a few teachers attend with me.  Becky, they specifically requested you.  :-)  Please let me know if you can attend and help us build community relationships.  Family members would also be welcome.

Skype Field Trips
I thought this was such a cool idea!  I just had to share.  I would have loved doing this in my classroom and it seems like a great opportunity to have kids reading nonfiction for the sake of researching clues.  Let me know if you decide to try this with your class.

Mentor Texts
The idea behind the moniker 'Mentor Text', is that an author can mentor a young writer with the examples and the ideas that they model in their text.  Some books just have such amazing word choice, others have a very clear structure, and the list goes on and on.  Here's a great spot to find just the right book for what your kids are learning.

Upcoming Events
Sept. 29th – Muffins For Mom
Sept. 30th - Student Loan Forgiveness Seminar @3:30 in the library
Sept. 30th - New Teacher Get Together 7:30AM in the Conference Room
Oct. 6th & 8th – Fall Book Fair (Part of Parent Teacher Conferences)
October 8th – Cookie Dough Kickoff Assembly
October – T-shirt Sales - PTO
Nov. 13th – Jefferson Gives Day – Food Bank donations
Nov. 17th – Jefferson Literacy Night & Cookie Dough Pick Up

To Do

  • Turn in Management Plans to Angie
  • Begin Preparing for Conferences
  • Turn in Teacher Artifact Bags and Theme Song

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Friday Focus - Week of Sept. 21-25

The Perks of Being a Teacher
Your name badge gets you into games!  Good information with Homecoming tomorrow.  Thanks Terra for the reminder.  Since we are waiting on the new staff photos, if you do not have a badge from last year, and you plan to attend a game, please let me know ASAP and we'll get an arrangement made for you.

Technology Issues
If you have a technology issue, please let Misty or I know.  Give us as much detail as possible.  We will check in with you and then log the problem.  Most of our tech support are college students so they are coming to the building in the evenings and won't be around to ask about the important details.

Art Contest
The Idaho School Boards Association is holding their annual coloring contest.  The theme is "What I Love About Our Idaho."  This might be a great opportunity to have kids build an argument through drawing and then writing.  There is a specific paper form that must be used for the artwork.  Please let me know if you are interested in having your class participate and we'll get you a copy of the form.  All entries will need to be in our office by the morning of Monday, October 5th.

Hearing Screenings
Hearing Screenings will be happening on September 28th-30th.  We will have more specific information for you in the next week on times for your grade level.  This is a bit like the IRI, in that you need to flex a little as they go from class to class.

Intervention Teams to Meet with Angie this Week
Please plan to meet with me at the following times.  I will be answering questions about:

  • Progress monitoring (Dates, probes, who gets monitored weekly, etc.)
  • Schedule for Para support for progress monitoring
  • MCOMP and how to record the scores
  • Goals for your groups
  • Needed resources
10:15 - Leal/Witkowski
11:15 - Jeffery/Huttanus/Brown
12:45 - Munk/Young
2:00 - Sleight/Fehringer/Baugh

10:15 - Quinley/McVay
12:45 - Henderson/Hillin

Third Grade - I need you to let me know when you will all be together.

Lunch Room
Please remember that this year we have two paras in the lunchroom.  One of those folks is there to help you take your class when you arrive so that you can get your 30 min. lunch.  If they have gone in the lunchroom to help, please just let them know you are there and passing them off.

Imagine Learning
You will soon have students assigned to Imagine Learning.  Shawn will be letting you know shortly  which students we have determined will benefit from this language acquisition program.  Our goal for this intervention is 30 mins. 4 day a week.  

Imagine Learning client was loaded on 2 computers in every classroom at Jefferson.  It has also loaded on every iPad at Horizon and Jefferson.  Use this “App" or icon instead of a browser (IE and Chrome) to access the Imagine Learning program.  The app will always launch for it has its own built-in Java code.  

Barnes and Noble Fundraiser
Thank you Liz for helping us get another great date for our Barnes and Noble fundraiser.  Please mark your calendars (I sent you an appointment. :-)) for Dec. 12th.  More details to come.

PTO Reps
Please remember to talk as a team and determine who will represent your grade level at the PTO meetings.  This can be a rotation or one member who attends monthly.  This is a really big deal that we attend.  Our PTO rocks and it shows our cooperation and support.  The first meeting is this coming Monday, Sept. 21 at 3:30 in the library.

CORE Packet to Teammates
Don't forget to get the copies of the front page of your CORE packets to your intervention teammates, including Jorma and Shawn.  I'd like them to have these on hand for our meetings on Monday and Tuesday. 

Free Math Games for Dice and Cards
This lady rocks!  Great ideas for math fact fluency.

Attendance Infographic
I love this infographic.  I've been thinking about sharing this at conferences.  What do you think?

To Do

  • Get your artifact bags in
  • Turn in Classroom Management Plan
Upcoming Events
  • Sept. 28th-30th - Hearing Screenings
  • Sept. 29th - Muffins for Mom @7:30AM
  • Sept. 29th - Student Loan Forgiveness Meeting @3:30
  • Oct. 1st - 2nd - Inservice Days

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Friday Focus - Week of September 14th-18th

Please plan on meeting in data teams next Monday and Tuesday during your new specials times.  We will plan to start interventions Wednesday.  With Jorma and Shawn both out sick it has just been too much to pull off this week.

If you are in 1st and 2nd and had a specials switch, those will begin next Monday, Sept. 14th.  The new schedule should have come around today.

Good News
We should have a curb and new crosswalk within a few weeks!!

Flu Shot Clinic
There will be a flu shot clinic at Jefferson, September 15th from 7:00-8:00 in the conference room. Your shot is covered by your insurance card. Just show up.  They'll take you as you arrive in the office.

Information on ELLs
Shawn and her team are working hard to get all of the new testing up to speed for our English Language Learners.  She will also be finishing up the ELP (the plans) that must be written with for each student.  We will also soon have maps to show you where each of your students is in the process of acquiring English as a second language.  There will be more information to come, especially as we get closer to conference time when Shawn will also be meeting with your families.

The office staff is working very hard to keep track of students who are tardy or absent.  If you mark a student absent, and they show up a few minutes late from breakfast, please change this absence to a tardy in PowerSchool and notify the office so that we don't make a call home.  The lunch staff is also helping us track chronic students for the purposes of intervention.

Certified Employee Paid Days - $95
Please remember, if you decide to save your personal days and pay for a sub, the new rate for a certified teacher is $95 and this is what you will be covering from your paycheck. Just a friendly reminder so you won't be surprised.

Dress Code
I want to thank you for dressing so professionally. On a regular basis, you look great!! But, the school board has asked us to remind you that leggings must be accompanied by a longer tunic or dress. Basically, if it is stretchy like leggings, jeggings, or tights, make sure your backside is also covers by another layer. :-)

Along with those lines, we have been asked to limit "Blue Jean" days to 4 a year. We will start with Homecoming next week as our first counted day. All other Spirit Days I need to ask that you wear a colored jean (black, etc.). I will have the BLT help me choose the other 3 days this year.

ISAT Test Proctor Testing ASAP (3rd Only+Misty)
3rd grade teachers, I will need to have you take the test proctoring assessment in the next few weeks before we give the ISAT Interim Assessment to the kids. The good thing is that you will be done with it for the entire year. We will likely set up a time for you to do this in the lab as a team. Stay tuned for more specifics.

Next Friday is Homecoming!! It is a tradition for Jefferson to walk down to 10th and Fillmore and sit along the curb for the parade. We will be sending a note home Monday to inform parents. We will have you leave as grade levels around 1:00 and we will be back before the end of the day. Please ask a a colleague about this experience and check in with me if you have concerns.

Contract Hours
Contract Hours for teachers are 8:00-3:45 M-F.
Contract Hours for paras are 7:45-3:35 or 8:00-4:00 M-F depending on duties.
All of this may flex slightly if we have a meeting that needs to run a little long. Please always contact me if you have an exception or need on a given day.

Next week I plan to start a walkthrough routine to see all the great things happening in your classrooms. Please let your students know they are not supposed to announce that I'm there and that I want them to keep working as they normally would.

Student Names in Email
For FERPA purposes, it is important that you do not use student names in the subject line of emails. You can use initials, but please avoid full names. This is especially true for SPED and discipline issues. Just make the subject line general and include more detail in the body of the email.

Halloween Costumes

I'd like you to be thinking about a fun "theme" you can do as a grade level or specialist group for dressing up for Halloween. Just be considering and pinning!

Fun! Fun! Fun!

Don't forget to sign up for the bus lane pool in the office. I will take two names per square at this point.
Also, don't forget, each week we do a drawing for those teachers who turn in BoxTops or notify the office that they don't have any for the week. This week's winner is posted to the right.

Have a great Friday and Weekend!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Friday Focus - Week of September 8th-September 11th

Thanks for another great week!  You guys amaze me at how well you are already picking up on the talents and quirks of your kiddos!

New Logo
Did you check out the new logo to the right?  My brother-in-law Tony put that together for us for our theme this year.  I love that all of the power for growth and fruit is in the branches.  I didn't even give him the idea.  I love it and I hope if will remind you that we are all growing into something amazing!

How Kids Learn to Read
An interesting article form the New Yorker Magazine about How Children Learn to Read.  I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Hopes and Dreams
This one is about helping kids set goals for the new school year.  I thought it had some good ideas, especially for those of you who are working on leadership notebooks.  This blog is from the Responsive Classroom group. There are great ideas about classroom management.  Kayleigh also has other resources from this group.  Ask her if it captures your interest.

What do you do after late breakfast?
Please be proactive with your little ones and help them understand what to do if they go to breakfast late or if they use the restroom and go out the back door instead of the one that leads to the hallway.  We want to make sure they know how to pound on a window or outside door, and necessary, come around to the front door.  Please let me know if this becomes a pattern for one student.

New computer tables - Please look for Damage
1st and 2nd grade teachers: all of you received a new smaller computer table.  A few may have a nick or small piece of laminate missing.  For most of these pieces, it is no big deal.  But, in the long run, this can cause points of weakness and wear.  Please give your table a quick inspection and let me know if you have any issues.  The company has asked me to report these.

Plan on Data Team meetings Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Next Week
Please plan to look over data and plan with me during your "team time" next week.  I will have a better schedule to you over the weekend.  There will be a few minor changes to the specials schedules.  We will get these changes to you next week.  Please plan on these Specials changes and Interventions to begin on September 14th.

She is an Old Girl
Our school is in great shape, but she's got a few years on her.  Sometimes her doors look closed, but they still need to "latch."  Please help us by getting in the habit of closing the doors and then pulling them tight behind you.  Please make sure, if you are on AM or PM duty, that you have decided who will check that the outside bathroom doors are locked and pulled tight as well.

ODR in Spanish
We are working to get you a Spanish translation for the Office Discipline Referral.  I will also make sure to add some language for the next round of printing.  Thank you for the idea, though I can't remember who gave it to me at this point!

Safe Schools Certificate
When you finish the Safe Schools Courses (Don't panic.  There is still time.) please make sure to print the certificates and send them in a district envelope to Lorri Prescott.  These are going into your files.

Bus Numbers
From Dale:  Make sure students and adults are aware to watch the front right numbers on the bus.  If a bus is out of service for any reason, a temporary number (magnetic sign) will be used on the FRONT-RIGHT side of the bus that is used on a temporary basis for that route.
Please ignore numbers at the back or left of the bus.

New logo

Upcoming Events
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - Data Teams
Thursday, September 10th - Staff Meeting
Friday, September 11th - All School Collaboration
Friday, Sept. 18th - Homecoming Parade and Walking Field Trip (Details to come)
Friday, Sept. 25th - Spirit Day
Tuesday, September 29th - Muffins for Mom (PTO Event/Details to come)

Classroom Management Plans - Sept. 9th
Artifact Bags - Sept. 9th