Thursday, September 3, 2015

Friday Focus - Week of September 8th-September 11th

Thanks for another great week!  You guys amaze me at how well you are already picking up on the talents and quirks of your kiddos!

New Logo
Did you check out the new logo to the right?  My brother-in-law Tony put that together for us for our theme this year.  I love that all of the power for growth and fruit is in the branches.  I didn't even give him the idea.  I love it and I hope if will remind you that we are all growing into something amazing!

How Kids Learn to Read
An interesting article form the New Yorker Magazine about How Children Learn to Read.  I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Hopes and Dreams
This one is about helping kids set goals for the new school year.  I thought it had some good ideas, especially for those of you who are working on leadership notebooks.  This blog is from the Responsive Classroom group. There are great ideas about classroom management.  Kayleigh also has other resources from this group.  Ask her if it captures your interest.

What do you do after late breakfast?
Please be proactive with your little ones and help them understand what to do if they go to breakfast late or if they use the restroom and go out the back door instead of the one that leads to the hallway.  We want to make sure they know how to pound on a window or outside door, and necessary, come around to the front door.  Please let me know if this becomes a pattern for one student.

New computer tables - Please look for Damage
1st and 2nd grade teachers: all of you received a new smaller computer table.  A few may have a nick or small piece of laminate missing.  For most of these pieces, it is no big deal.  But, in the long run, this can cause points of weakness and wear.  Please give your table a quick inspection and let me know if you have any issues.  The company has asked me to report these.

Plan on Data Team meetings Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Next Week
Please plan to look over data and plan with me during your "team time" next week.  I will have a better schedule to you over the weekend.  There will be a few minor changes to the specials schedules.  We will get these changes to you next week.  Please plan on these Specials changes and Interventions to begin on September 14th.

She is an Old Girl
Our school is in great shape, but she's got a few years on her.  Sometimes her doors look closed, but they still need to "latch."  Please help us by getting in the habit of closing the doors and then pulling them tight behind you.  Please make sure, if you are on AM or PM duty, that you have decided who will check that the outside bathroom doors are locked and pulled tight as well.

ODR in Spanish
We are working to get you a Spanish translation for the Office Discipline Referral.  I will also make sure to add some language for the next round of printing.  Thank you for the idea, though I can't remember who gave it to me at this point!

Safe Schools Certificate
When you finish the Safe Schools Courses (Don't panic.  There is still time.) please make sure to print the certificates and send them in a district envelope to Lorri Prescott.  These are going into your files.

Bus Numbers
From Dale:  Make sure students and adults are aware to watch the front right numbers on the bus.  If a bus is out of service for any reason, a temporary number (magnetic sign) will be used on the FRONT-RIGHT side of the bus that is used on a temporary basis for that route.
Please ignore numbers at the back or left of the bus.

New logo

Upcoming Events
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - Data Teams
Thursday, September 10th - Staff Meeting
Friday, September 11th - All School Collaboration
Friday, Sept. 18th - Homecoming Parade and Walking Field Trip (Details to come)
Friday, Sept. 25th - Spirit Day
Tuesday, September 29th - Muffins for Mom (PTO Event/Details to come)

Classroom Management Plans - Sept. 9th
Artifact Bags - Sept. 9th

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