Thursday, September 17, 2015

Friday Focus - Week of Sept. 21-25

The Perks of Being a Teacher
Your name badge gets you into games!  Good information with Homecoming tomorrow.  Thanks Terra for the reminder.  Since we are waiting on the new staff photos, if you do not have a badge from last year, and you plan to attend a game, please let me know ASAP and we'll get an arrangement made for you.

Technology Issues
If you have a technology issue, please let Misty or I know.  Give us as much detail as possible.  We will check in with you and then log the problem.  Most of our tech support are college students so they are coming to the building in the evenings and won't be around to ask about the important details.

Art Contest
The Idaho School Boards Association is holding their annual coloring contest.  The theme is "What I Love About Our Idaho."  This might be a great opportunity to have kids build an argument through drawing and then writing.  There is a specific paper form that must be used for the artwork.  Please let me know if you are interested in having your class participate and we'll get you a copy of the form.  All entries will need to be in our office by the morning of Monday, October 5th.

Hearing Screenings
Hearing Screenings will be happening on September 28th-30th.  We will have more specific information for you in the next week on times for your grade level.  This is a bit like the IRI, in that you need to flex a little as they go from class to class.

Intervention Teams to Meet with Angie this Week
Please plan to meet with me at the following times.  I will be answering questions about:

  • Progress monitoring (Dates, probes, who gets monitored weekly, etc.)
  • Schedule for Para support for progress monitoring
  • MCOMP and how to record the scores
  • Goals for your groups
  • Needed resources
10:15 - Leal/Witkowski
11:15 - Jeffery/Huttanus/Brown
12:45 - Munk/Young
2:00 - Sleight/Fehringer/Baugh

10:15 - Quinley/McVay
12:45 - Henderson/Hillin

Third Grade - I need you to let me know when you will all be together.

Lunch Room
Please remember that this year we have two paras in the lunchroom.  One of those folks is there to help you take your class when you arrive so that you can get your 30 min. lunch.  If they have gone in the lunchroom to help, please just let them know you are there and passing them off.

Imagine Learning
You will soon have students assigned to Imagine Learning.  Shawn will be letting you know shortly  which students we have determined will benefit from this language acquisition program.  Our goal for this intervention is 30 mins. 4 day a week.  

Imagine Learning client was loaded on 2 computers in every classroom at Jefferson.  It has also loaded on every iPad at Horizon and Jefferson.  Use this “App" or icon instead of a browser (IE and Chrome) to access the Imagine Learning program.  The app will always launch for it has its own built-in Java code.  

Barnes and Noble Fundraiser
Thank you Liz for helping us get another great date for our Barnes and Noble fundraiser.  Please mark your calendars (I sent you an appointment. :-)) for Dec. 12th.  More details to come.

PTO Reps
Please remember to talk as a team and determine who will represent your grade level at the PTO meetings.  This can be a rotation or one member who attends monthly.  This is a really big deal that we attend.  Our PTO rocks and it shows our cooperation and support.  The first meeting is this coming Monday, Sept. 21 at 3:30 in the library.

CORE Packet to Teammates
Don't forget to get the copies of the front page of your CORE packets to your intervention teammates, including Jorma and Shawn.  I'd like them to have these on hand for our meetings on Monday and Tuesday. 

Free Math Games for Dice and Cards
This lady rocks!  Great ideas for math fact fluency.

Attendance Infographic
I love this infographic.  I've been thinking about sharing this at conferences.  What do you think?

To Do

  • Get your artifact bags in
  • Turn in Classroom Management Plan
Upcoming Events
  • Sept. 28th-30th - Hearing Screenings
  • Sept. 29th - Muffins for Mom @7:30AM
  • Sept. 29th - Student Loan Forgiveness Meeting @3:30
  • Oct. 1st - 2nd - Inservice Days

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