Thursday, September 10, 2015

Friday Focus - Week of September 14th-18th

Please plan on meeting in data teams next Monday and Tuesday during your new specials times.  We will plan to start interventions Wednesday.  With Jorma and Shawn both out sick it has just been too much to pull off this week.

If you are in 1st and 2nd and had a specials switch, those will begin next Monday, Sept. 14th.  The new schedule should have come around today.

Good News
We should have a curb and new crosswalk within a few weeks!!

Flu Shot Clinic
There will be a flu shot clinic at Jefferson, September 15th from 7:00-8:00 in the conference room. Your shot is covered by your insurance card. Just show up.  They'll take you as you arrive in the office.

Information on ELLs
Shawn and her team are working hard to get all of the new testing up to speed for our English Language Learners.  She will also be finishing up the ELP (the plans) that must be written with for each student.  We will also soon have maps to show you where each of your students is in the process of acquiring English as a second language.  There will be more information to come, especially as we get closer to conference time when Shawn will also be meeting with your families.

The office staff is working very hard to keep track of students who are tardy or absent.  If you mark a student absent, and they show up a few minutes late from breakfast, please change this absence to a tardy in PowerSchool and notify the office so that we don't make a call home.  The lunch staff is also helping us track chronic students for the purposes of intervention.

Certified Employee Paid Days - $95
Please remember, if you decide to save your personal days and pay for a sub, the new rate for a certified teacher is $95 and this is what you will be covering from your paycheck. Just a friendly reminder so you won't be surprised.

Dress Code
I want to thank you for dressing so professionally. On a regular basis, you look great!! But, the school board has asked us to remind you that leggings must be accompanied by a longer tunic or dress. Basically, if it is stretchy like leggings, jeggings, or tights, make sure your backside is also covers by another layer. :-)

Along with those lines, we have been asked to limit "Blue Jean" days to 4 a year. We will start with Homecoming next week as our first counted day. All other Spirit Days I need to ask that you wear a colored jean (black, etc.). I will have the BLT help me choose the other 3 days this year.

ISAT Test Proctor Testing ASAP (3rd Only+Misty)
3rd grade teachers, I will need to have you take the test proctoring assessment in the next few weeks before we give the ISAT Interim Assessment to the kids. The good thing is that you will be done with it for the entire year. We will likely set up a time for you to do this in the lab as a team. Stay tuned for more specifics.

Next Friday is Homecoming!! It is a tradition for Jefferson to walk down to 10th and Fillmore and sit along the curb for the parade. We will be sending a note home Monday to inform parents. We will have you leave as grade levels around 1:00 and we will be back before the end of the day. Please ask a a colleague about this experience and check in with me if you have concerns.

Contract Hours
Contract Hours for teachers are 8:00-3:45 M-F.
Contract Hours for paras are 7:45-3:35 or 8:00-4:00 M-F depending on duties.
All of this may flex slightly if we have a meeting that needs to run a little long. Please always contact me if you have an exception or need on a given day.

Next week I plan to start a walkthrough routine to see all the great things happening in your classrooms. Please let your students know they are not supposed to announce that I'm there and that I want them to keep working as they normally would.

Student Names in Email
For FERPA purposes, it is important that you do not use student names in the subject line of emails. You can use initials, but please avoid full names. This is especially true for SPED and discipline issues. Just make the subject line general and include more detail in the body of the email.

Halloween Costumes

I'd like you to be thinking about a fun "theme" you can do as a grade level or specialist group for dressing up for Halloween. Just be considering and pinning!

Fun! Fun! Fun!

Don't forget to sign up for the bus lane pool in the office. I will take two names per square at this point.
Also, don't forget, each week we do a drawing for those teachers who turn in BoxTops or notify the office that they don't have any for the week. This week's winner is posted to the right.

Have a great Friday and Weekend!

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