Saturday, January 16, 2016

Week of January 18th - January 22th

Life is like a roller coaster.  You can either scream every time there is a bump or you can throw your hands up and enjoy the ride.

And what a ride it is!  The way that you encourage and support kids and families during conferences is always so great to watch!  I know they are not easy, but what you do is so important for our kids aspirations.  Thank you!

Luckily, we also have some amazing colleagues at our side.  Two of those folks have been Brendalynn Love and Janet Avery.  Both have been instrumental in helping us find the grants, trainings and other opportunities that will help Jefferson continue to become a place where kids are engaged in learning and planning for their futures.  Currently, they are helping is look for opportunities to get more books and resources into classrooms and to train teachers in The Leader in Me, reading/literacy and dual immersion.  I'm always open to hearing your ideas/needs and I know that these ladies will do everything they can to help us find the means.  In the meantime, we are grateful to them for their support in getting the many grants for the walking path.  That's synergy!

Supporting Students Who Have Experienced Trauma
This is a quick article with some very practical ideas for supporting students who have experienced trauma and likely have behavior issues.  (Note: The last one is sharpening the saw for staff. :-)

Habit #5 - Seek to Understand is this week!
Please spend a little time visiting with your students or reading to them about this habit.

IRI/MCOP Testing Soon
Testing will begin a week from Monday, on January 25th.  Watch for a schedule and more details to come.  The MCOMP will be administered schoolwide and reported the week after that.

PBS Kids Writing Contest
Information about the PBS Kids Writers Contest has been put in your box.  This is a great opportunity.  There is no obligation to do this with your class, but I encourage you consider participating if it fits your current writing objectives.

Responsive Classroom
Looking for ideas that incorporate classroom management, relationship/community building and academic strategies?  Check out "Responsive Classroom" on Pinterest.  There are a ton of great ideas for new teachers and fresh tools for experienced staff.

Reading Bulletin Boards/Staff Meeting
We will use most of our staff meeting time on Thursday to update our reading bulletin boards. Please let me know if you need anything.

Barnes and Noble - Share the Love
If you were part of the group that helped at Barnes and Noble in December, please send me your name.  We have received what we earned and would like to get it equally split so that you can start buying books for your classroom!

BoxTop Winners

Lisa and Mary!  This was for the last two weeks.  Don't let me forget I own you a chips and salsa card!

Laminator Issues
We think that part of the laminator issues are stemming from the use of the "teeth" on the machines that are there to rip the lamination off of the machine.  Please use scissors instead.  The "teeth" seem to curl the film and make it prone to rolling under and onto the other rolls.  Also, if you have a 'grandma' or volunteer laminating for you, please have them see Emily for a quick training to ensure that they know the ins and outs of the machines.  They can be expensive to replace and we hope to keep them in good working order.

Spelling Bees

2nd and 3rd Grade will be having their spelling bees on Friday.  The winners of the grade level bees will representing Jefferson at the Times News Spelling Bee later this winter.  We are working on where we will be holding these bees for the grade levels, but we anticipate they will be just for the 2nd and 3rd grade at this time.

Battle of the Books

Battle of the Books is a fun, local competition where small groups of kids read pre-selected books and compete based on what they know.  Winning School Teams will compete in Twin Falls against other local schools.  Emily will be sending information home with students in the next week or so on how they can be involved.  She will facilitate all of the details for classrooms.  Thanks Emily!  More information coming soon.

Bullying Training Online

Currently, District Office Staff are currently working with the company that has the online training modules for bullying, hazing, etc.  If you have taken the courses (send out in August), then you should be good.  If you have not taken the trainings, please do those soon.  I'm glad to help if you have trouble logging on.

Volunteer Appreciation

We are starting to plan ideas to appreciate our volunteers this spring.  If you have seen a great idea, please share it with me.  Also, please send me the names of those folks who volunteer in your room on a regular basis.

Shakespeare - Idaho Theater for Youth

On Feb. 16th at 1:30PM, The Idaho Theater for Youth will be here for an assembly with our kids.  The will be presenting The Shakespeare Stealer, Adapted by Gary L. Blackwood

Based on Gary L. Blackwood’s popular young adult novel of the same name, this rollicking adventure follows the young apprentice “Widge” as he is coerced into attempting to steal the script of Hamlet from Shakespeare’s theater, The Globe. Thwarted in his attempts, “Widge” finds himself joining the company of actors, but will he fulfill his mission to steal the play or be loyal to his new found friends? Filled with comedy, drama and derring-do, The Shakespeare Stealer will take you on an exciting journey to the world of Elizabethan theater.
In addition, they will be staying for an after-school workshop.  This workshop will be by nomination.  Each teacher is asked to nominate one student that they think would benefit from an opportunity to develop their 'acting' talents.  Please send me students' names  by Friday, January 29th so that we can begin sending invitations to families, who will need to make transportation arrangements for after the workshop.

Certification - Heads Up From the District Office
The State Department is now requiring that transcripts be sent in for proof of credits. This is how it used to be done, but in the past few years teachers did not have to. Just keep this in mind if you are needing to recertify this year.  Another tip, it is much easier and faster if you apply for certification in March or April when their load of applications is lighter at the SDE.

Upcoming Events
Jan. 18th, 25th - Jefferson Building Culture Team Meeting, 3:30PM
Jan. 19th - Jefferson Building Leadership Team Meeting, 3:30PM
Jan. 20th, 27th - Jefferson MTSS Team Meeting, 3:30PM
Jan. 21st & 26th-28th - Dental Sealant Program
Jan. 29th - Tiger Award Luncheon
Jan. 29th - Teacher Voice Collaboration, JMS

To Do List
Watch for an email about your observation and 'accept.'

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