Saturday, January 2, 2016

Week of January 4th - January8th

2016 is here!  I hope it has been a relaxing and energizing start for you; a true time of 'sharpening the saw.'
Have you noticed all of the folks taking part in the "one word" movement?  Choosing one word is a way of having a theme and a focus for the year ahead.  Lots of my friends and acquaintances have been posting their words on social media.  I don't know if one word could hold all of my hopes for the new year.  I've been thinking about peace and productivity (check out this article that has me thinking about my work).  But, I've also been thinking about fruitfulness as we begin to watch our young student become readers and writers and your hard work pays off.  With the grant finally submitted, there is also a possibility of  leadership for the new year!  So many wonderful words that encapsulate all of our dreams and goals for all that is to come. Here's a great article, even for kids,on the power of attitude as we move forward into this new year and a good read for staff on professional habits that can keep you from your best motivation.  What ever your word, theme or goal, know that I'm grateful for each and everyone of you and the work you do on behalf of our students.

Here's to a great 2016!

Winter IRI Schedule
A few of you have been asking about IRI.  In coordination with Horizon, and to give kids the best possible opportunity to show growth, we will be doing the Winter IRI January 25th-29th.  The Winter MCOMP and Star Testings will happen the following week.  We will be discussing this in further detail with BLT and MTSS, so stay tuned for further information.

Building Expectations
Now is a good time to remind and practice our building expectations with kids.  Please find times to build this into your lesson plans and review with students.  Coming back to school, often from situations that have less structure, our kiddos will need support and encouragement to get back into the swing of school.  Please error or the side of reteaching, anchor charting and practicing to get them back in the groove.

8:00-3:45 Reset
I am constantly amazed by the amount of time you put into your classrooms, planning and students!  Just a quick reminder though that our contract hours are 8:00AM to 3:45PM.  This is important because we often get parents who will stop by to briefly visit or make calls during those times.  Since we are at a fresh starting point, please make sure to reset your schedule to these hours.  There are a few exceptions (always) and here's how to communicate with us:

  1. Notify Angie when you need to leave early, preferably 24 hours in advance when possible.
  2. Check out in the office each time you leave the building early and let Anne and Emily know you are leaving so they don't use time looking for you.
  3. Call the office if bad roads or other extenuating circumstances have you running a few minutes late in the morning.
Thank you for helping with this.

Special Assembly with Kristen Armstrong
Next Thursday we will have a special assembly with Kristen Armstrong, Gold Medal Cyclist!  Please plan a few minutes to help kids understand who she is and the significance of her visit to Jefferson.  She is a great model to tie into a habits lesson!  Here is a link to use.

Kristin will also likely talk with the kids about making healthy choices (physical activity and nutrition) and her work for kids' health

Walk-Throughs - Sharing Ideas About Engagement and Charlotte Danielson Components
In the next couple of weeks I will be ramping up walk-throughs.  These are NOT gotcha moments.  They are opportunities for conversations and to help you reflect and name the great things happening at Jefferson. As a staff we decided to focus on 'student engagement' for walk-throughs.  In a discussion with Melisa this past spring and fall, you began a list of what this might look like.  We will continue to build on this list as we work toward this goal.  Here is the list you compiled so far:

How do we know students are engaged?
  • discussion is on topic
  • students drive the conversation
  • the room may be noisy, but could also be quiet
  • challenging activities
  • student reflection
  • positive behaviors
  • classroom routines: students know the routines and can stay on task because they know what to do and what to expect.
During walk-throughs I will also be watching for evidence for the components of the Charlotte Danielson Model.  I will list my focus here each week so you have an idea of what I'm looking for. This coming week I will be looking for evidence of posting and communicating learning targets to kids in student friendly language.  Next week you might see me around your desk for a moment as I look for lesson plans.  I will give you an idea of what I'm looking for here on the blog so you have a heads up.  On the flip side, if there is something that you would like me to see or notice, please invite me!  I love being asked to join your classroom for things you and the students are proud of and I will do everything possible to be there.  BLT members and mentors will also be among those helping with this.  Watch for more details to come.

A few cool resources I found over the break to share!
Winter is the Warmest Season! A great idea for a writing mentor text lesson.  Does this idea fit with your grade level standards?  Let me know if it might help your kids!

ReadWorks is a great site for printable texts and comprehension questions.  This link takes you to their fiction/nonfictional paired texts!

Quick clips and videos for all kinds of comprehension lessons. I think there also might be some great ones that fit the habits.  Please preview before showing to students.  I haven't seen all of these and some may be more suitable to older kids.

Upcoming Events
Jan. 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th - Jefferson Building Culture Team Meeting, 3:30PM
Jan. 5th, 19th - Jefferson Building Leadership Team Meeting, 3:30PM
Jan. 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th - Jefferson MTSS Team Meeting, 3:30PM
Jan. 12th & 14th - Parent Teacher Conferences
Jan. 13th - Ready! Kindergarten Program, 6:30PM
Jan. 15th - No School
Jan. 21st & 26th-28th - Dental Sealant Program
Jan. 29th - Tiger Award Luncheon
Jan. 29th - Teacher Voice Collaboration, JMS

To Do List
Watch for an email about your observation and 'accept.'
Make sure your PT Conference notes get out!

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