Sunday, January 24, 2016

Week of January 25th - January 29th

This weekend I saw The Martian with Bill.  Wow!  I was just so amazed at the tenacity and ingenuity of the human spirit.  It really struck me how important it is to decide to try and put forth effort even in the face of disappointment and adversity.  The true measure of our character is whether or not we will try and apply what we know when the going gets tough.  I was very inspired by the movie and keep thinking of the ways in which Matt Damon's character was proactive, put first things first, and chose to synergize when it would have been so easy to give up.   It inspired me and made me very reflective of spots in my life and work where I can do the same. A good movie or book will do that!

The Importance of Read Alouds
Speaking of good books, here is a great (and short) article about the need for read alouds with suggestions by grade level.  I recommend having a look.

The IRI Schedule is being emailed out to you, but I'm hoping you've already caught a glimpse through your BLT members.  Please be as flexible as possible.  The team will try to stick to the schedule, but they are also short on spaces because Delta Dental is using our conference room.

MCOMP, CORE Phonics, Sight Words, and Star Reading/Early Literacy
Please make a plan with your grade level team to administer these assessments.  MCOMPS will need to be administered whole class and recorded on the spreadsheet provided in the shared drive.  SPED students will also need to be tested, but you can coordinate this with Chelsey and Val to share their data.  Please just ensure that it is uploaded to your spreadsheet for the database and reports.  Misty should be able to help you with the Star assessments during computer lab time if you choose.  CORE Phonics and sight words should be updated on those student who are not scoring a three so that we can adjust their goals mid-year.  Thanks!  This data is super useful as we help kids become readers!

Adele Parody for Teachers - Snow!
For a Good Laugh!  I think this is how we all feel about recess and cold weather.

Reading Data Board Updates
Please plan for Data Teams next week.  More details to come.

We are Proud of Students!
Please don't forget that we have a spot in the office to hang up student work.  It doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to reflect effort and be something you want students to get extra kudos for.  Emily, Anne and I love having the opportunity to praise students for their hard work.

Do you have an appreciation for a staff member?  Did you notice someone going the extra mile?  Please let me know!  We can add it to the appreciation section of the blog either anonymously or with your name attached.  I would love for that section to become everyones'.

Upcoming Events
Jan. 25th - Jefferson Building Culture Team Meeting, 3:30PM
Jan. 27th - Jefferson MTSS Team Meeting, 3:30PM
Jan. 26th-28th - Dental Sealant Program
Jan. 29th - Tiger Award Luncheon
Jan. 29th - Teacher Voice Collaboration, JMS

To Do List
Watch for an email about your observation and 'accept.'
Please turn in your nominations for the Idaho Theater for Youth Workshops.

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