Thursday, September 15, 2016

Week of September 19th - September 23rd

It's been a busy week!  Thank you for all the work you have put into starting interventions!  Here's to starting your Friday off right!  You are more than a test score!!

Recess Duty
We are making a quick change to recess duty locations.  If you have been on the Blacktop/Bathroom Duty, this will now be a second Big Toy duty.  If you have been on the K-1 Blacktop duty, this will remain the same, but I would ask that you position yourself to see the blacktop, but be near the doors to also help monitor the numbers of kids going in an out of the restrooms.  Thanks for helping making this adjustment.

New Walking Program - The Jefferson Tiger Trekkers
It sounds like we may be able to do a bit of a jungle or safari theme with our walking program.  Thank you to all of your who got your votes in.  Chris and I will be working to get our incentives put into place soon.  We will be making the program as easy as possible, but we look forward to kids working toward Sharpening the Saw and setting new goals for their health.

Walking Path Birthday Celebration
We now have a date set for the Walking Path Celebration.  It will be Monday, October 10th. There will be an assembly at 2:00 and a Family Event at 5:30.  Unfortunately, we will not be able to have Kristen Armstrong visit us after all.  Here new celebrity and events are important for her to build resources to sustain her training at other times.  We are working hard with St. Luke's to have other fun surprises and swag for the kids and families.  It also looks like the United Way Born to Learn Path will be completed in time as well!  There are many, many things happening to celebrate!

Dot Day Resources
I'm so excited to see everything that you are planning for Dot Day!  Please plan to leave the art up until October 10th for families to see.  Please make sure the kids label their artwork with artist and title.  Here's a cool resource for other ideas.

Comprehensive Literacy Plan - Parent Event Invites
We will be getting you invites to go to the parents of your 1s and 2s Friday and Monday.  Please ensure that kids take these home the day you get them.  We will have a flyer to send as a remind in about a week.  More details to come on the plans themselves.  Here's a copy of the letter if you'd like to see the basic information going out.

Grab and Go Breakfasts
There have been a couple of concerns brought up about the Grab and Go breakfasts.  We have been trying this to get kids to the classroom more quickly and on time for interventions.  I want you to know that we are monitoring a few things:
  • We do know who has been getting "2nd breakfast" and we are trying to work with these kids.
  • We are trying to determine which kids are late drops by families.
  • We are trying to determine which students are not being proactive about getting their breakfasts first thing  (Or is that putting first things 1st?)
  • We are trying to figure out which kids may be getting a 2nd breakfast because their family is food insecure.
If the bell rings at 8:20 and a student is already eating, we will let them finish until 8:30.  If the 8:25 bell rings, they will be sent to the office for a Grab and Go.  If a child comes to you with a breakfast, please give them a time limit for completion of their meal, but encourage them to eat all of it.  BLT will be revisiting this again in a few weeks and office staff will be contacting parents to problem solve issues that are identified.  Hopefully, we can work the bugs out and minimize the instruction kids are missing.  Thanks for giving this a bit of time so we can analyze the benefits and problems.

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 
I'm possible!  Audrey Hepburn

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