Thursday, September 22, 2016

Week of September 26th - September 30th

How cool is this?!!  
This is the 1st of the signs that will be installed on our Born Learning Trail, which will be an addition to our Walking Path!  All of the signs will correspond to learning activities that kids and families can participate in.  This is an amazing opportunity for Jefferson and I'm incredibly grateful to the United Way and their donors for helping make this happen!  Thought you might enjoy this update!

"Never underestimate the valuable and important difference you make in every life you touch.  For the impact you make today has a powerful rippling effect on every tomorrow."

Welcome our New Migrant Liaison
We have finally been able to hire our new Migrant Liaison, Rocio Cervantes.  Rocio has been a sub for us in the past and has done a terrific job.  We are so glad to have her help.  For those of you who have migrant students in your classes, we will have a schedule out to you in the next week or so as we are able to get Rocio training.   She is getting a late start, so please make her feel welcome and right at home.  She is going to be a valuable member of the Jefferson Team.

Lucy Calkin's Writing Training
The day (Saturday) has finally arrived.  I will be with the K-2 group, but I will be at the DO with everyone Saturday.  I'm so excited to hear what these trainers have to teach us.  Thanks to all of you who have committed to this day.  Please make sure that if you reserved a spot that you are there to take advantage of the training.

Can You Spot the Mistake
Melisa did.  Yes, I know it's hard to believe, be I mistyped the list of 7 Habits on the right of the page.  First person to email me what they noticed will be receiving a Friday morning treat.  Oops.  (I did laugh a bit when Melisa and I confirmed this.)

Safe School Reminder
A quick reminder that we have a Safe School module to complete.  For those of use who are returning, there is a Bullying Awareness Refresher Course.  There are a few modules for new folks.  Please let me know if you need help finding these.

Read to Classes
I would love to come read to your class!  A book of your choice or a book of my choice.  Please invite me in!

Proactive Examples
The examples of Jefferson kids that you are emailing me is AWESOME!  I love announcing and sharing these.  Please keep them coming.

Intervention Team Meetings Next Week
As I am meeting with teams next week, I have a few new items to share with you next week.  If you haven't made an appointment with me, please do that before you leave tomorrow.  One of the items includes what I think will be some good news about progress monitoring.  We will also share:

  • Progress Monitoring and Data Team Calendars
  • All class monthly spreadsheet with bells and whistles
  • Comprehensive Literacy Plans
  • Review Goals and Materials for Groups
Instructional Rounds This Week
Janet will be at our Staff Meeting Monday to overview the instructional rounds for next week.  Please remember that you will need to prepare for a sub on that day for a 1/2 day.  Please plan to meet in my office (yes, it will be a tight squeeze) at the following times:

  • Kindergarten, Liz, Nicole - 8:30AM
  • 3rd Grade - 12:45PM
  • First Grade - 8:30AM
  • Second Grade - 12:45PM

Journeys Tight and Loose
You all have a copy of the Tight and Loose list from the district office that should be in your box by Monday.  Please ensure that those items have been met by the end of the month.  A few highlights:
  • all sound spelling cards posted in rooms
  • all Focus Wall Posters posted or projected (Please complete the survey to help me know which you are doing for walk-throughs)
  • 5 Day Planning for Units (This expectation will continue throughout the year.)
If you have any questions about these expectations, please don't hesitate to ask.

Bucket Brigade
Our Bucket Brigade is in the planning stages for some staff fun.  If you have a great idea, please share it with Barb, Anne, Ashlee, Jody, or Sarah.

Have a great weekend and week!

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