Thursday, September 1, 2016

Week of September 6th - September 9th

"I hope they feel our smiles before they come in the door."

I read this post on a blog by a fellow Montana administrator recently and it struck a cord.  I loved the idea that we love what we do, that we love our kids, so much that students and families can feel the love before they every enter the doors.  Thank you for all you do to make this happen for Jefferson.  It takes a lot of positive energy, focus and determination, but it matters.  It makes things possible for kids and they deserve it!

Sorry for the long blog post!  Lots of details to share for next week!

Thank you!

Toni Receives Award
Did you see on Facebook that Toni was awarded the Clarissa Hug Idaho Council of Exceptional Children Teacher of the Year Award for the State of Idaho?  This is a huge honor for Toni who has done a lot of work and leadership on behalf of children with special needs.  Congratulations Toni!  We are so glad you've joined the Jefferson Team!

Please like and follow Jefferson on Facebook!  Also, I'd love to have pictures of the great every-day learning happening in your rooms to share with families.  Please send them my way!

Homecoming THIS WEEK!
Yes, it is here fast!  We are working with the lunchroom to see if we can get sack lunches.  For those of you new to Jerome, Jefferson always does a little walking field trip to see the Homecoming Parade.  This year we are going to have to leave the school by 12:20 to be at the route by 12:45.  We plan to take a different route to the park across from Horizon this year.  Stay turned for a few more details from your BLT member about lunch times and route for next Friday.

Journeys Tight and Loose
Please make sure that you review the list Janet sent out as a team and let me know if you have any questions.  Please make sure that you have your alphabet/sound cards posted by next week.  I think we are getting close to everyone having the things we need.  Please let your BLT member know if you haven't already listed something.

Lunch Times
We are working hard to tighten up lunch times.  First grade, please have your last teacher notify 3rd grade and 3rd grade, have your last teacher notify 2nd.  We need to close the gaps.  Also, if you get your kids to line, please go ahead and let the paras supervise so you can make sure to get your lunch.  With new software and new kids, we are trying to adjust the system a bit.

T-Shirt Orders
Please plan on $14 for the t-shirts and get your orders in as soon as possible.  Anne has a sign up sheet in the office and a sample shirt.

CORE Packets
Teachers, please make sure to hold on to these when you get them.  We may need to reference these for Data Teams next week.

Data Teams
Liz, Nicole, and the paras have been working really hard to get IRI and CORE Packet testing done and in the system to make it easier for all of us.  We are firming up a schedule and will get it sent out to you tomorrow for Data Teams on Thursday and Friday.  At your given time, a para will come to sub in for you.  In some cases this will also mean they cover your duty.  Please ensure that the para know this before you leave the classroom.

Recess Radios and Clipboards
Would each grade level please make sure that their orange clipboards and radios go out to each recess.  It might be easiest to pick a person or "location" that will always have these on hand.

Lesson Plans
As part of Domain 1 evidence, and for collaboration, I will be asking that certified teachers on a rotation basis, not every week.  I will ask you to share them electronically on Google Drive.  If you do not do your lesson plans electronically, we'll be glad to scan them in the office, or you can take a picture and load that.  The rotation will begin on September 12th.  Kindergarten, please plan to turn in your lesson plans this week and watch for the Google Drive share folder. You can also reference the list to the right to help you remember your week.

Special Education
A quick reminder....if a student in your classroom has a IEP with reading goals, then the SPED teachers will be doing the progress monitoring for reading and providing the grade.  If they have goals in both reading and math, then Brittany and Christine will manage the PM and grade for both subjects.  Please let Toni or I know if you have questions.

Mrs. Cooley will be here on Thursday to share about BoxTops.

Classroom Management Plans
Please don't forget to email your classroom management plans.  I prefer that you send them electronically for reference.  Please have these in no later than September 12th.

Teacher Wish List
Denise, in coordination with PTO, will be helping put together the teacher wish lists using her super mad technology skills  Please be on the look out for a Google Form coming your way.  PTO would like this information compiles so they can communicate this to families and have it posted for our first conferences.

Laptop Carts
Anne will be putting together a calendar for checking out the laptop carts.  Please ensure that they are in the library and plugged in at the end of the day if you are the last one to use them.

Grab and Go Breakfast
Beginning Monday we will have Grab and Go breakfasts in the office for students who need a meal after the tardy bell.  This is to help get us keep a little better track of kids who are not being proactive about getting to the cafeteria (choosing to play) and of those who are spending too much time in the cafeteria and missing intervention and instruction.  If a child is hungry, please send them to the office.

International Dot Day at Jefferson
If you go to the International Dot Day website, you will see that they say that the "day" is September 15th...ish.  Our day will be Friday, September 23rd.  Please see the ideas in the teacher manual attached for ideas.  Please also make sure to have each artist sign their name and title their art work.  Your BLT member will help put together an art supply list as soon as possible.  Have fun with this!  Develop lots of rich vocabulary and creativity!  This will still be an intervention day.  Please work around this time.  I'm sure Nicole, Liz and the rest of you can find some very creative ways to bring art to this time.

New Walking Program Name
Our new walking program will be up and running in the next couple of weeks.  We are in need of a fun name.  At Ponderosa Elementary they are the Pacers.  If we were Oregon Trail we might be the Blazers.  What ideas do you have for the Jefferson Tigers.  (Jefferson Joggers was one thought.)  We'd love to hear your ideas.

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