Thursday, September 8, 2016

Week of September 12th - September 16th

Yeah!  It's Homecoming! 
Go Tigers!!

"The real winners in life are the people who look at every situation with an expectation that they can make it work or make it better." Barbara Fletcher

Homecoming Details

  • Wear your school colors...and your blue jeans!
  • Lunches and recesses have been moved up 45 minutes.
  • Thank you to our lunchroom staff for preparing sack lunches to ensure we are headed to the parade on time!
  • Kindergarten will leave first a little before 12:30.  We will call for the rest of the school.
  • We will leave out the front doors and take the sidewalk down Fillmore.  We will turn right at 6th and then go down to the park.  We will cut across and sit in the part across from Horizon.
  • The parade should be done in plenty of time to be back for the buses.
  • Please ask office staff or your mentors if you have any questions.

Star Testing
Star and Star Early Literacy are part of our district screeners.  The window to complete these assessments in the computer lab is open until September 21st.  Please let me know if you have any questions about getting this done.

Staff Meeting Monday
Speaking of Star and Star Early Monday's staff meeting, Liz Schroeder and Darlena Ohlensalen will be here to review the reports from these assessment and how to read them for good information.  K-1 will be in the library.  2-3 please plan to be in the Computer Lab.  Others join at locations that fit your refresher needs.

I will spend a bit of time with 2-3 at morning recess on the blacktop discussing recess responsibilities.  I will make an announcement about this tomorrow morning.  Please come get some Office Discipline Referrals (ODRs) in the office for your recess binders.  We really need to be tracking kids who are chronically having trouble keeping themselves and others safe on the playground.  Also, please reteach the recess behavior expectations with your class sometime next week.  BLT is making some considerations to help the energy during this time.

Recess Games
Thank you to Deb and the playground crew for painting the fun games!  We are thinking there are a number of our kids who do not know how to play them.  We are asking for teacher volunteers, who are not on duty, but may have been a playground game expert back in the day, to teach a game to the kids.  We would ask that you pick a game and a day and time.  I will make an announcement so that kids can find you and learn a new and fun way to play.  Here are a few of the suggestions:

Blacktop Activities:
Mirror Me (Deb can help explain this one.)
Bean Bag Toss (Deb has the bags.)
Number Maze (Deb has offered to teach this one.)
4 Square
Tether Ball

Idaho School Board Association Art Contest
    • Theme: What we like about our schools"
    • This is optional for classes
    • Entries are due to the office by Oct. 8th if you participate
    • The form you need for the art will be on the bulletin board between the staff bathrooms.
Habit 1 Bulletin Board Help
I am in need of a class or two who would share some of their work about Habit 1 on the main bulletin board.  If you are willing, please let me know!

BLT Meeting Minutes
The BLT Meeting Minutes are caught up.  Your BLT members will try to share with you as soon as possible, but you can also check the minutes and ask them questions...or me too.  You have been invited to view the minutes in Google Drive under "Jefferson BLT."


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