Reading How the Grinch Stole Christmas to Miss Baugh's class was a highlight of the week for me! And then Betsi sent me this. I think there is definitely a theme about how teachers do have hearts three sizes bigger than most. Thank you for the way you care for our kids! You have huge hearts, but it is also a big job and not for the faint of heart. Enjoy every minute of this upcoming break! Take the time to 'Sharpen the Saw." Rest. Relax. Refresh. Fill up on what this season is all about!
Jefferson Staff Party Monday
Looking forward to the fun! Don't forget an ornament and your assigned finger food or paper product. Thanks to the Bucket Brigade for putting this together!
No Interventions this Week
Paras will be helping cover MTSS meetings and concerts. If you need a little extra help with progress monitoring, please touch base with Liz or Nicole to see if there might be a para available to help.
Interventions January 4th-6th
For your planning information, the 4th-6th will be regular days with intervention.
Report Cards
Thursday, December 22nd is actually a 1/2 paid contract day. This is a flex day intended to honor the fact that it is the end of the semester and you will be finishing up grades. You do NOT need to report on that day. But, you do need to ensure that your grades are in by 8AM on Wednesday, January 4th. We will be checking everything and then printing final report cards in the office. (Side note: It was decided in Ad. Council that teachers would print quarter "progress reports" and office staff would print semester "report cards.") We'll have them ready to be sent out that Friday.
Christmas Programs
Liz and Nicole have worked very hard to ensure that every mom on staff has a chance to attend their kids music program and have a para coverage. If we have missed someone, please let me know.
Primary Math Assessment K-2
We are planning to administer the Primary Math Assessment with K-2 starting on January 9th and finishing (our plan anyway) by January 20th. As we get back from break we'll share a few more details about the schedule. This is a one-on-one test much like the IRI. Follow up PD on the reports and activities is tentatively planned for February 17th.
Jump Rope for Heart Kick-off Assembly
Don't forget to plan for the Jump Rope for Heart Kick-Off Assembly on Friday, January 6th at 1:15. This is a community support that we usually do every other year with Horizon. A representative from the American Heart Association with be here for the assembly.
Habits Training
Thanks to the ladies who are coordinating the 7 Habits Training. It is such a joy to sit in and hear your insights and comments. This is a language that will permeate all of our thinking, kids too.
Need Behavior Ideas
Kindel sent out a reminder about the great resource. I'm not sure how many have tried this tool out, but there are some great ideas organized by type of problem behavior. It is worth a look if you are struggling with a student(s) in your classroom. This could definitely be listed as interventions in Mileposts as well.
Professional Development
Please take literally 2 minutes and let me know your top 3 wants/needs for professional development. BLT will use this information in conjunction with our strategic plan and other data to help make short and long range plans for us. Thank you!
Secret Santa
I promise not to buy anyone a berlony necklace. I don't know how the guy has time to make these videos, but I'm glad for the comic relief! I apologize for my 8th grade sense of humor, but I hope they give you a chuckle or smile this Friday.